The Medical Devices Special Access Program in Canada: A Scoping Study
Understanding the ways in which new health technologies enter Canadian healthcare organizations is essential to the development of a pan-Canadian Health Technology Management Strategy. This paper presents the results of ...
Digital Mental Health – Innovations in Consumer Driven Care
Barriers such as stigma and access issues prevent 60% of Canadians with mental health issues from seeking help. Saint Elizabeth Health Care’s IntelligentCare Platform supports a range of digital health ...
Accelerating Harmonization in Digital Health
Digital tools play an important role in supporting frontline health workers who deliver primary care. This paper explores the current state of efforts undertaken to move away from single-purpose applications ...
Surveillance Software and Prospective Audit and Feedback Rounds Advance Antimicrobial Stewardship at an Acute Care Community Hospital
This article examines the impact of a clinical surveillance software used to identify patients for prospective audit and feedback rounds by an antimicrobial stewardship team on antibiotic utilization, patient outcomes ...
Mending the Cracks: A Case Study in Using Technology to assist with Transitional Care for Persons with Dementia
Transitions between hospital and community are particularly challenging for vulnerable adults experiencing behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. Too often, miscommunication results in triggering a recurrence of disruptive behaviours leading ...
A Model for Developing Clinical Analytics Capacity: Closing the Loops on Outcomes to Optimize Quality
The closed loop analytics model consists of three loops corresponding to the decision-making levels of an organization and the associated data within each loop – Patients, Protocols, and Populations. The ...
Clinical Documentation in an Era of Increasing Transparency: The Impact of Electronic Portals on Care
Electronic health records and consumer health portals have implications for improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of healthcare, and make it much easier for patients and families to access health information. ...
Partnering with Patients: The Toronto Central LHIN Telehomecare Experience
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure are responsible for significant healthcare costs in Ontario. A telehomecare program has been implemented that offers six months of health status monitoring ...
Using Mobile Apps to Communicate Vaccination Records: A City-wide Evaluation with A National Immunization App, Maternal Child Registry and Public Health Authorities
Medicine is experiencing a paradigm shift, where patients are increasingly involved in the management of their health data. The authors created a mobile app which permitted parental reporting of immunization ...
Monitoring Receptivity to Online Health Messages by Tracking Daily Web Traffic Engagement Patterns: A Review of More than 13 Million US Web Exposures over 1,235 Days
Reaching the recipients of online health messages is necessary to Web-based health promotion applications. To measure willingness to adhere to a health-related Web message, the authors explored the frequency with ...