Is the Deck Stacked against Fundamental Health Human Resources Redesign in Canada?
It will take a collective commitment on the part of professions, governments, educators, accreditors, employers and a host of others to create an agile, responsive and integrated health human resources ...
Using Evidence to Meet Population Healthcare Needs: Successes and Challenges
Several innovations in care delivery redesign have been developed to foster more sustainable healthcare system. The authors present two case studies illustrating some of the main challenges, as well as ...
Policy and Evidence in Canadian Health Human Resources Planning
Absent evidence-based tools for pan-Canadian health human resources policy development, smaller jurisdictions are experimenting with quality improvement initiatives that can determine useful methods of aligning patient and community needs.
The Importance of Evaluating New Models of Care to Better Meet Patient Needs
A population-needs based focus on health workforce planning is critically important, as is acknowledging that population health needs are best addressed through an interdisciplinary approach to care. Rigorous evaluation ...
Successes and Challenges: Clarity of Definition Required
The author focuses on the choice of language and concerns of secondary uncertainty between “needs” and process management: this is framed by a brief review of terminology and the principles ...
Using Evidence to Meet Population Healthcare Needs: A UK Perspective
In this commentary, the authors discuss what is meant by healthcare “needs” and the traditionally poor use of data in healthcare planning. They support the call for proper evaluation of ...
More for Less – If Only We Could Get Them to Do It!
Systems for the provision of healthcare need to be improved, since costs are rising and the population is aging. While the demographic-healthcare time bomb should have been obvious years ago, ...
The Authors Respond - Responding to the Challenges
The authors touch upon insightful comments of their colleagues, address the clarifications they’ve called for and discuss the ways in which the commentators have expanded on the issues brought forward ...
Pharaoh and the Prospects for Productivity in HHR
Health services have value only insofar as they improve health outcomes. Increased output of ineffective services is not productivity in any meaningful sense.