Ontario's Access to Care Challenges from My Side of the Gurney and Computer

Dr. Chris Simpson, Former President, Canadian Medical Association

By international standards, Canada performs poorly in all areas of access to care. Whether it is access to primary, specialist, mental health, surgical, ALC, palliative or home care, we systematically under perform.  As a clinician Dr. Simpson sees the effects of this on his patients every day.  As a chief medical information officer for a technology vendor, he sees how modern technology can help improve wait times and access to care across the care continuum.


CFHICIHI, Medtronic, Novarti, and Mount Sinai Health System

Click here to see the Presentation Slides.

Sinai Health System, Mount Sinai Hospital, Ben Sadowski Auditorium, 18th Floor, 600 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Video Runtime: 53:09