HealthcarePapers, 2(4) March 2002: 10-18.doi:10.12927/hcpap..16918
Report Summary
A Framework for Reform; Highlights from the Report of the Premier's Advisory Council on Health
In August 2000, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein announced the appointment of 12 healthcare leaders who would provide his government with council and recommendations for reform through the Premier's Advisory Council on Health. The Council released its final report and recommendations in January 2002.Chaired by former Deputy Prime Minister Don Mazankowski, Council members also included:
• Muriel Abdurahman (Sherwood Park)
• Dr. Larry Bryan (Calgary)
• Lynda Cranston (Ottawa)
• Dr. Brian Crowley (Halifax)
• Dr. Lillian Douglass (Edmonton)
• Dr. John Evans (Toronto)
• Dr. Robert Foster (Edmonton)
• Jean Graham (Rocky Mountain House)
• Dr. David Low (Houston, Texas)
• Dr. Ken Nickerson (Fort McMurray)
• Al O'Brien (Edmonton)
• Dr. Eldon Smith (Calgary)
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