Healthcare Quarterly
Healthcare Quarterly
8(2) March 2005
: 115-116.doi:10.12927/hcq..17419
In just a few years, unsolicited commercial e-mail, also known as Spam, has gone from a minor nuisance to a major economic and social issue. According to best estimates (from companies such as Brightmail and MessageLab), it now represents more than half of the world's e-mail traffic. Processing and managing Spam creates costs that are ultimately for by businesses and personal e-mail users. Some are now reducing their use of e-mail as a communications tool, posing a significant impediment to the benefits of legitimate e-commerce. We present a look at some of the latest figures released by Industry Canada.
Spam Statistics
The statistics below are current as of 2003, but spam data become quickly outdated. These statistics were derived from a number of different reputable sources including: Google, Brightmail, Jupiter Research, eMarketer, Gartner, MailShell, Harris Interactive, and Ferris Research.E-mail Statistics
- Daily e-mails sent 31 billion
- Daily e-mails sent per e-mail address 56
- Daily e-mails sent per person 174
- Daily e-mails sent per corporate user 34
- Daily e-mails received per person 10
- E-mail addresses per person 3.1 average
- Cost to all Internet users $255 million
Spam Statistics
- E-mail considered Spam 40% of all e-mail
- Daily Spam e-mails sent 12.4 billion
- Daily Spam received per person 6
- Annual Spam received per person 2200
- Spam cost to all non-corp Internet users $255
- Spam cost to all US Corporations in 2002 $8.9
- States with anti-spam laws 26
- E-mail address changes due to Spam 16%
- Estimated Spam increase by 2007 63%
- Annual Spam in 1,000 employee company 2.1
- Users who reply to Spam e-mail 28%
- Users who purchased from Spam e-mail 8%
- Corporate e-mail that is considered spam
- Wasted corporate time per Spam e-mail 4-5 seconds
In the US Consumers want government to provide greater
protection against spammers. According to the (ePrivacy Group)
- 74% of consumers stated that they want a federal do-notspam
- 79% of consumers stated that they want spam banned or limited
by law.
- While opt-out is sometimes touted as an antidote to spam, it is
not used by more than 37% of consumers. The three primary reasons
are: fears that opt-out will confirm their address to spammers;
uncertainty as whether opt-out will work; doubts that opt-out will
be honoured. However, there is still hope for opt-out: 47% of the
respondents said they would feel more confident about opt-out if it
was verified by a trusted third party.
- Most consumers who receive a falsified e-mail message (89%) or
an e-mail containing unsolicited adult content (74%) automatically
define it as spam.
- Over 31% of consumers consider all unsolicited e-mails that contain any type of advertisement to be spam.
the Spam Business Model
the Cost of Spam
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