World Health & Population November -0001: 0-0.doi:10.12927/whp..17498
A Special Report: Improving Family Planning Program Performance through Management Training: The 3Cs Paradigm
Sagar C. Jain, Abul Barkat, Kirsten Lundeen, Abu J Faisel, Tofayel Ahmed and M Sirajul Islam
This report describes an action-research in Bangladesh which was designed to answer two questions: Is it possible to attain a high level of fertility control behaviour in a population characterized by a high level of socioeconomic backwardness, and can management training help improve the performance of service-delivery systems? The finding of this research is that a carefully designed and executed intervention would result in affirmative answers to both these questions. In the 19 experimental thanas, CPR increased by an average of approximately 10 percentage points within 12 months of training. [To view this article, please download the PDF.]
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