World Health & Population

World Health & Population November -0001 : 0-0.doi:10.12927/whp..17542

What Went Wrong with Public Health in India

N.S. Deodhar


This regional conference of the World Health Organization (WHO) signifies that the status of public health and primary health care is not up to expectation in South-East Asia and other areas of the world. Why? What went wrong?

Several factors and situations have led to the failures, with a variable mix of general management and technical/professional problems. However, it is pertinent to realize that, in India, large regional and inter-state variations and disparities exist. Hence, a complete set of factors leading to failures is not necessarily valid and consistently applicable for all areas of India. Basically, each state, and even district, should be viewed as a unit for assessment and decentralized planning. This analysis of the "errors" may be relevant and true of some other countries to a varying extent. Let us consider the major issues in the following discussion.

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