Healthcare Quarterly
Toronto Hospital Reduces Sharps Injuries by 80%, Eliminates Blood Collection Injuries
Needlestick and other sharps injuries are a key Canadian public
health issue, affecting 70,000 (Alliance for Sharps Safety and
Needlestick Prevention 2002) people per year and costing some $140
million <
ontario/bkgd_Mar10.pdf >. A safety program at Toronto East
General Hospital - focusing on blood collection and patient
injection - achieved an 80% reduction in injuries within one year
(from 41 in 2003 to eight in 2004), with blood collection injuries
eliminated entirely (Toronto East General Hospital 2005).
Sharps Injuries in Canada
Injuries from needlesticks and other sharps remain a major concern in Canadian healthcare, numbering around 70,000 per year, or an average of 192 per day. The Alliance for Sharps Safety and Needlestick Prevention in Canada estimates that 33,000 needlestick and medical sharps injuries occur in Ontario each year, with testing and treatment costing the Ontario Government over $66 million (Alliance for Sharps Safety and Needlestick Prevention 2002). Of the many infections that can be transmitted to healthcare workers and patients in this way, HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B are of greatest concern.Canada has no federal sharps safety law, since occupational health and safety legislation falls under provincial jurisdiction. This contrasts with the United States, where the federal Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act passed in 2000 requires employers to "identify and make use of effective and safer medical devices … such as needleless devices, shielded needle devices and plastic capillary tubes" (Service Employees International Union 2005). Interestingly, needlestick injuries decreased by 51% in the first year after the US legislation was passed (Occupational Safety and Health Administration 2001).
British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba have recently revised
their regulations to include requirements for the use of
safety-engineered devices to reduce sharps injuries and exposure to
blood and body fluids; similar requirements will soon apply in
Saskatchewan. In Ontario, a private member's bill (Bill 179, Safe
Needles Save Lives) has been has been introduced that suggests that
in any circumstance where a worker is required to use a medical
sharp, the employer ensures that a safety-engineered sharp be
provided and used <
38_Parliament/Session1/b179.pdf >. (This bill is strongly
supported by SEIU, whose survey of 600 people in May 2005 found
that 82% of Ontario residents support the mandatory use of safety
syringes in the province's healthcare facilities - even if
implementation means additional up-front costs (Service Employees
International Union 2005).)
TEGH Initiative Targets 20% Reduction in Sharps Injuries
The success of US needlestick legislation - plus recent workplace safety initiatives by the Ontario Hospital Association and Workplace Safety and Insurance Board - prompted Paula Harnum-Brown, Toronto East General Hospital's (TEGH) Manager of Occupational Health and Safety, to examine sharps-related injuries at that institution. A baseline analysis of injury rates showed that the areas of highest risk included blood collection, patient injection and IV insertion (all using hollow-bore blood-filled needles).Since blood collection and patient injection posed the greatest
risks, Harnum-Brown set a goal of reducing injuries in this area by
20% within a year, and of raising employee awareness of how to
avoid needlesticks. To secure the senior management support
essential to achieving this goal - for both funding and long-term
cultural change - the proposal was presented to the TEGH senior
management by the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee.
Despite the fact that safety-engineered devices cost more than
traditional ones, the following factors led the TEGH board to
approve the proposal:
- A detailed audit of injury rates, showing the urgent need for
best practices in health and safety.
- The fact that existing occupational health and safety laws require employers to provide a safe work environment and to protect workers from unnecessary injuries. This implies an obligation to use the safest medical devices available.
With senior management's backing, a plan was developed. TEGH staff tried products from three different manufacturers then completed post-trial evaluations to select preferred products. TEGH partnered with medical technology company BD, initially adopting the Vacutainer® Eclipse™ needle for blood collection and Eclipse™ needles and syringes for injection.
"The BD technology was evaluated as being clinically favourable since it required the least change of practice, provides a safe environment, has an easy-to-engage safety shield and is most comfortable for the patient," says Harnum-Brown. "Using the same technology in both blood collection and patient injection also simplified training and adoption."
Education: A Vital Element
Harnum-Brown notes that TEGH's success was also dependent upon the detailed safety education for staff, including clear demonstration that the new technology would not be more complex or time-consuming to use than traditional devices."We have nurses who have been drawing blood and injecting patients for years," says Heather McDougall, TEGH Triage Clinic Nurse. "While they understand the hazards of a needlestick, it can be challenging to change technique. These procedures need to be routine, because they are often carried out in busy environments filled with distractions, for example, in the emergency room. Once our nurses saw that working with safety-engineered needles was fast and easy - and, most importantly, did not interfere with the quality of patient care - they were convinced."
"BD-Canada helped TEGH successfully achieve a significant reduction in needlestick injuries by providing education, training and support to staff throughout the implementation process," states Harnum-Brown. "This was a huge benefit."
Phased implementation and reinforcing training were essential to get the change working. The Eclipse™ blood collection needle was instituted first, following a two-week training period for phlebotomy teams and staff in the emergency room and intensive care units. This covered all shifts.
The Eclipse™ safety hypodermic product was then introduced on a hospital-wide basis, with BD again providing training for all users in all shifts over two weeks, and then scheduling follow-up training for all units after the initial implementation. The company's goal for all conversions at TEGH was to provide training to a minimum of 80% of the hospital staff.
To reinforce training, the TEGH Occupational Health and Safety committee and the company developed a series of educational and reference materials - including posters, brochures and training videos - that are now part of the hospital's staff orientation. BD could draw on a wealth of experience supporting US hospitals, which went through conversion in previous years.
Program Targets Exceeded Fourfold
Since the safety program was started at TEGH, sharps injuries have declined by 80%, easily surpassing the original first year goal of a 20% reduction in injuries. There were 41 reported injuries in 2003, decreasing to eight in 2004. This included the complete elimination of injuries during blood collection procedures for that year (Toronto East General Hospital 2005)."TEGH is proud of the injury reductions it has achieved as the first hospital in Ontario to fully implement all available safety-engineered needle options," states Rob Devitt, the hospital's President and CEO.
Panel: TEGH Safety Program, 2003-04 |
Goal: 20%
sharps injury reduction in first year
Challenges tackled: Key success factors: Program achievements: |
Lessons for other change programs |
Plan right -
first things first TEGH examined the area of highest proportion of needlestick injuries - blood procurement - and tackled that first. Once success was recognized, it was easier to start safety programs in other areas. Training, training Partners help Be patient with results Monitor |
Encouraged by this success, TEGH has now extended the program to include a needleless IV system, along with IV catheters and more portable sharps disposal containers. It is also now investigating the introduction of safety-engineered scalpels and blades to address sharps injuries in the operating room. The brand selected was the BD Insyte™ Autoguard™.
"TEGH remains committed to minimizing the human and economic costs of needlesticks and other sharps injuries, and aims to be the first hospital in Ontario to convert completely to safety-engineered devices," concludes Mr. Devitt. "Above all, we care passionately about protecting the health and safety of our patients and staff."
About the Author(s)
Laura Visser is the Manager, Planning, Partnerships and Public Relations at Toronto East General Hospital. She has a Master of Health Science in Health Administration from the University of Toronto and is a certified executive with the Canadian college of Health Service Executives.
For further information: Paula Harnum-Brown, Manager, Occupational Health & Safety, TEGH. (416) 469-6580 ext. 6870.
Alliance for Sharps Safety and Needlestick Prevention. 2002. "Improving Canadian Health Care Worker Safety: The Case for Mandatory Implementation of Safety-Engineered Sharps Devices and Exposure Control Plans."
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. 2001. Revision to OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. Retrieved November 20, 2005.;.
Perry, J. and J. Jagger. 2003. Advances in Exposure Prevention 6(3): 28-31. Retrieved November 20, 2005.
Service Employees International Union. 2005. Make Safety-Engineered Needles Mandatory, Poll Confirms. Retrieved November 20, 2005.;.
Toronto East General Hospital.
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