
The development of a dissemination plan is a vital step for a successful, collaborative research. The article outlines the key steps to be completed for an effective dissemination plan. Background: A dissemination plan is an important part of a successful, collaborative research planning process. The article outlines actions that should be taken to develop an effective dissemination plan that may help the research team focus on the project and identify target audiences.

Methods: This article is part of a guide to knowledge exchange resources arranged by the CHSRF foundation to assist applicants for research funding and to help decision makers and researchers incorporate knowledge exchange into their work.

Findings: Members of a research team are encouraged to complete the following actions in order to achieve an effective dissemination plan.

  1. Project overview: The research project and objectives should be identified. The motivation of the research in the current environment should also be recognized.
  2. Dissemination goals: The short-term and long-term goals for disseminating the research results should be mentioned.
  3. Target audience: The groups to which the research results are to be communicated should be identified. In some instances, it is possible to have primary and secondary audiences.
  4. Key messages: In the initial dissemination plan, a broad scope of the content is adequate. It is also important that the message clearly explains to the target audiences the research results, their relevance and further steps to be taken.
  5. Sources/messengers: Influential messengers for each of the target audiences should be identified and mobilized to help spread the messages to be communicated.
  6. Dissemination activities, tools, timing and responsibilities: The success of the dissemination plan will depend largely on the activities planned to convey the messages to each target audience. Activities such as face-to-face meetings and briefings may be effective in promoting a two-way dialogue between the researchers and the decision makers in each of the target audiences.
  7. Budget: All resources and planning for the dissemination activities should be taken into account to ensure that the time and budget requirements are not underestimated.
  8. Evaluation: Measurable criteria to rate the success of the research team's dissemination efforts should be carefully selected in order to effectively evaluate each dissemination activity.

Conclusions: Completing the eight steps above would help to ensure the development of a successful dissemination plan.

References: Communication Notes - Developing a dissemination plan. Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. www.chsrf.ca