Law & Governance

Law & Governance 3(4) May 2008 : e129-e138
Data Matters

Analysis of International Migration Patterns Affecting Physician Supply in Canada

Mamoru Watanabe, Melanie Comeau and Lynda Buske


[This article was originally published in Healthcare Policy / Politiques de Santé, Volume 3, Number 4.]

This paper analyzes the migration patterns of both Canadian medical school graduates and international medical graduates (IMGs), and the impact of these patterns on physician supply in Canada. Immigration patterns of IMGs have changed over time, with fewer physicians from the United Kingdom and more from South Africa. A large portion of IMGs who leave Canada (43%) return "home." Recently, the average duration of practice in Canada for these doctors has been three years, a finding that suggests many came for educational purposes or to acquire skills. The heterogeneity and complexity of international migration are highlighted in this paper.



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