Healthcare Quarterly
Healthcare Quarterly
11(4) September 2008
: 114-114.doi:10.12927/hcq.2008.20099
[No abstract available for this article.]
- In 2007, there were 419 computed tomography (CT) scanners and 222 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines installed and operational in Canada, up from 325 and 149, respectively, in 2003.
- The rate of MRI and CT examinations performed per 1,000 population in Canada rose by 43% and 28%, respectively, in the four years between 2003-2004 and 2006-2007.
- Canada, with 12 CT scanners and six MRI machines per million population, falls below the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) median of 15 CT scanners and seven MRI machines per million population in 2005.
- There were 103 CT examinations per 1,000 people performed in Canada in 2006-2007, about half the rate performed in the United States (207 per 1,000), but nearly double the rate in England (54 per 1,000).
- In 2006-2007 Canada's rate of MRI examinations per 1,000 population (31) was also higher than that in England (25), and lower than that in the United States (89).
- The average number of MRI examinations performed per scanner in Canada was 5,123 in 2007, up from 4,408 in 2003; for CT scanners, the average number of examinations performed per scanner increased from 7,411 in 2003 to 8,735 in 2007.
- The hours of operation for MRI scanners increased only slightly between 2003 and 2007 (66 to 71 hours per week) and decreased slightly for CT scanners (62 to 60 hours per week).
- As of January 2007, about 5% of all CT scanners and 18% of all MRIs, were in free-standing facilities, which are mostly privately funded. This is up slightly from 3% and 17%, respectively, in 2003.
- For areas with MRI scanners in free-standing facilities, hospitals performed about twice the number of MRI examinations per scanner than free-standing facilities (5,970 versus 2,530). In areas with CT scanners in free-standing facilities, the number of CT exams per scanner performed in hospitals was more than four times that in free-standing facilities (9,506 versus 2,160).
- The number of medical imaging professionals, approximately 68 per 100,000 population, remained steady between 2003 and 2006, the latest year available.
- Canada's 16,464 medical radiation technologists made up the bulk of the medical imaging workforce in 2006, up from 15,289 in 2003.
* Facts taken from CIHI's Medical Imaging in Canada, 2007, released August 21, 2008. < >
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