Citation Information Baker, G.R., A. MacIntosh-Murray, C. Porcellato, L. Dionne, K. Stelmacovich and K. Born. 2008. "Index." High Performing Healthcare Systems: Delivering Quality by Design. 279-291. Toronto: Longwoods Publishing. • View the individual chapters for free in the Table of Contents. To order the print version please call Barbara Marshall at 416-864-9667 |
100k Lives initiatives
Henry Ford Health System, 186-87, 198, 200, 204, 205, 218
progress report on campaign at HFHS, 207-13
VA Boston, 88
access to healthcare
awards for increasing, 27
compared among countries, 12
goal of Quebec's integrated health services networks, 116
and open access scheduling, 86, 97, 123
as problem (Sweden 1990s), 127
and use of databases, 31
See also wait times
clinical integration management and, 169-70
through fiscal responsibility, 39-40 (See also resource allocation)
of NHS organizations, 52, 67
and reporting systems, 217, 230-33
use of electronic health records, 81, 95
in VISN structure, 77-80, 101-3
See also performance indicators/measurements
Advanced Training Program (IHC), 161-63, 182
Annual Health Check (UK), 51
Ash Institute (Harvard University), 80, 88
assertive case management, 32-33
Audit Group for Medical Evaluation, 128
audit instruments, 128
See also performance indicators/measurements
awards in healthcare, 20, 27-28, 80, 96, 152, 158, 186, 208
See also Baldrige model; goals and incentives; Robert W. Carey Performance Excellence Program (VA)
Balanced Scorecard, 128, 132, 138, 230
Baldrige model, 163
award criteria, 20-21, 22, 111, 128, 132, 137, 194, 201
Baldrige National Quality Program, 20, 90-91, 145-46
Swedish version of, 122
See also Qvalitet, Utveckling, Ledarskap (QUL)
Batalden, Paul, 89-91, 94, 96, 98, 102, 131, 157, 199, 201
Bergstrom, Michael, 130, 135
Berwick, Donald, 16, 85, 121, 162
Big Group Healthcare (Jönköping), 136-37, 138
Big Three automobile companies, 188, 190
Birmingham East and North Primary Care Trust (BEN PCT)
background, 28-29
and collaboration with HEFT, 29
developing strategic goals and values, 34-35, 59
improvement initiatives by, 30-33
partnerships and national structure, 41
recent achievements, 27-28
strategic objective indicators, 59
use of mentor organizations, 37-38, 40
See also National Health Service (UK)
Birmingham OwnHealth®, 31-32
Body Shop, 37
Bojestig, Mats, 127-29, 131, 139-40
Boston University, 88
Breakthrough Series (IHI)
and Calgary Health Region, 229
and Jönköping County Council, 130-31, 134, 135, 147
and Veterans Health Administration, 85, 86, 118
Burton, David, 155, 163-64, 166, 174
Calgary Health Region (CHR)
accountability systems, 230-33
achievements, 222-23, 239-40, 242
Alberta Hip and Knee Replacement Pilot Project, 229, 243
Alberta Quality Matrix for Health, 232, 239
background, 221-22
challenges to improvement, 229-30, 237-38
Enterprise Master Person Index, 230
patient safety, 233-35, 239
physician engagement, 227-28
Project GRIDLOCC, 237, 239
Quality, Safety and Health Information (QSHI), 234-35, 238
quality and safety framework, 231
Quality Improvement and Health Information (QIHI), 224-25, 228-30, 232-34
regional PCIS (e-health record), 227, 230-32, 237, 239
and regional restructuring, 221, 223-24, 226
restructuring of portfolios, 236, 242
strategic planning, 225-27
training collaborations, 228-29
vision and mission statements, 234, 244
Canadian healthcare system
awards for excellence in, 20
challenges to, 216, 268-69
compared to UK NHS, 66-69
compared to VISN 1, 119
and electronic health records, 117, 270
and independent physicians, 117
integrated health services networks, 115-16, 261, 270
Jönköping's lessons for, 148-50
need for national standards, 118
object lessons for, 270-71
performance and cost comparisons, 12
selection of case studies from, 22
See also Calgary Health Region (CHR); Trillium Health Centre
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), 118
Canadian Patient Safety Institute, 216
capability building
as component of quality improvement, 53-54
components of, 17
investments in (Jönköping), 136, 139
in National Health Service (UK), 55
system-level approach to (Jönköping), 131
in Veterans Affairs strategic planning, 90
in WRJ VAMC culture, 100
See also skills development for improvement
Carey self-assessment process, 90-91, 98, 101
change for improvement. See quality improvement
Chirico-Post, Jeannette, 74-75, 77-78, 80, 81-82, 91, 102-3
Christie, Sophia, 33, 34
clinical autonomy, 268-69
Clinical Governance Support Team (NHS), 53-54
clinical improvement projects, 30
clinical microsystems of care
capabilities of, 15-16
in Henry Ford Health System, 188
in high-performing healthcare systems, 19-20
in Intermountain Healthcare, 164
in Jönköping, 135, 139, 141, 147, 149
clinical process management
clinical practice guidelines (VHA), 80-81
integration strategy (CHR), 237
integration strategy (IHC), 163-69
and patient outcomes and costs (IHC), 152-54, 171-72
Clinical Value Compass, 134
Cochrane, Patti, 249-50
collaboration and participation
in assertive case management, 33
education (Trillium), 254
Jönköping and health professions, 135
Latter-Day Saints Church and IHC, 156
by non-physician professionals, 68
in regional healthcare system, 224, 259
with staff and stakeholders, 34-35, 92
VA Boston and Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 82, 85-87, 118
White River Junction Model, 97
Working Together for Health (BEN PCT and HEFT), 29, 30-31, 37, 66
WRJ VAMC and Dartmouth Medical School, 96
Columbia Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), 155
Commonwealth Fund rankings, 11-13
communication methods
Big Group Healthcare (Jönköping), 136-37, 138
cascading, 194, 205, 215
through electronic records, 101
in improving patient flow, 123
Leadership Network (Jönköping), 131
in quality management (VISN 1), 78
between service lines in VISN 1, 76
for successful improvement programs, 18
telehealth monitoring programs, 114
telephone-based care management, 31-32
use of annual reports, 128
use of e-mail, 85
use of staff volunteers, 196
See also information technology
competition in healthcare systems, 100, 119, 132, 155, 271
in care delivery and insurance, 183
creating an internal market, 56
and demands for quality improvement, 204
and loss of market share, 190
within programs, 81, 83, 171, 203
service delivery and, 204
when system is public, 67
See also market share
Connecting for Health (NHS), 52
continuous improvement
challenges of, 89-90, 90-91
as concept in quality improvement, 14-15
education for (Jönköping), 135-36
as necessary for success, 23
as required in Sweden, 130
and role of leadership, 148-49
See also quality improvement
cost of healthcare systems
and activity-based costing, 157
budget of BEN PCT, 28
and clinical integration strategy, 171-72
as compared to performance, 12-13
and competitive health plan premiums, 155, 183
decreased with improved efficiency, 31
healthcare budget in Sweden, 125-26, 127-29
and improvement in outcomes, 152-53
Jönköping County Council, 127-29, 138-39
See also resource allocation
Crossing the Quality Chasm (Institute of Medicine), 14
cultural factors in patient populations, 28
See also populations served by case study systems
culture in healthcare systems
and commitment to community, 156
of financial discipline, 127-29, 139
and leadership, 41, 98-99
of patient safety, 234-35, 244
in preparing for changes, 35-36
strategies to shape, 248
as supporting improvement, 17, 18, 83, 218, 260-61
Dartmouth Medical School, 89, 96, 131
data collection and integration, 15, 17, 18
and audit instruments, 128
in Canada, 118
challenges of, 19
in clinical process models (IHC), 167-68
and cost of healthcare, 157
e-record link with nurses, 31
ICAST (identify, collect data, analyze, study, test), 195
and interactive electronic presentation, 233
local and external, 202-3
in organizational change strategies, 36, 86, 128-29
in orthopaedic triage service, 31
standardized platform for (Trillium), 247
to support improvement, 236, 252-53
by third parties, 78-79
use in engaging staff, 87
Veterans Health Administration strategies, 111
See also information technology
De Gasta, Gary, 82, 89-90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 102-3
Delivering the NHS Plan - Next Steps on Investment, Next Steps on Reform (UK Department of Health, 2002), 56
Deming, W. Edward, 134, 139, 157-58, 161, 163, 201
Dr. Foster information system (UK), 41, 51
Eagle, Chris, 223-24, 227, 235-36, 239
Eddy, David, 162
education and training. See skills development for improvement
efficiency of healthcare
with booking system redesigns, 31
compared among countries, 12
See also resource allocation
electronic records. See information technology
equity of healthcare systems compared, 12
Esther initiative (Jönköping), 123, 132
European Foundation for Quality Management, 20
European Society for Quality in Healthcare, 21
Europe awards for healthcare excellence, 20
evidence-based medicine
in clinical improvements (CHR), 237
in clinical improvements (IHC), 153-54, 175
and clinical process models (IHC), 165-66
reviews of performance measures (VHA), 83, 84
in strategic planning (IHC), 163-64
and use of electronic records (IHC), 161
Fairlane Medical Center, 196, 197
See also Henry Ford Health System (HFHS)
and involving physicians, 116
and pay-for-performance, 81, 83
and physicians in change initiatives, 67
See also physicians
finances. See resource allocation
A First Class Service - Quality in the New NHS (Department of Health, UK, 1998), 51, 53, 56
Florida: A Healthy State (Pfizer initiative), 32
foundation trusts, 49, 50-51, 67
See also Heart of England Foundation Trust (HEFT)
frameworks to assess performance
Baldrige, 20-21
Henry Ford Health System, 191-94
Jönköping, 128
National Health Service (UK), 37, 41, 48-49, 50-51
Trillium Health Centre, 259, 266
Veterans Health Association, 90-91
funding. See resource allocation
Gantz Wiley, 196
General Electric (GE), 160-61, 174, 182
German healthcare system, 12
goals and incentives
and accountability (HFHS), 217
annual staff exhibitions (HFHS), 199
and awards, 90, 204, 246, 247
in Canadian healthcare, 269
development of, 34-35
for hospital CEOs, 137
payment by results, 47, 81, 83
for physicians, 48-49
and scorecard indicators, 59
set for all levels in organization, 78
short-term and long-term, 36-37
success stemming from, 17, 18, 65-66, 81-82
in Sweden's healthcare system, 121-22, 133-34
See also performance indicators/measurements; resource allocation
Goldman, Mark, 33
Good Hope Hospital
merger with HEFT, 39
recent achievements of, 27-28
vascular clinic in, 31
See also Heart of England Foundation Trust (HEFT)
Ham, Chris, 37
Harvard University, 80, 88
Healthcare Commission for Audit and Inspection (UK), 39, 41, 50-51, 58
healthcare failure mode and effects analysis (HFMEA), 229
Healthcare Improvement Leadership Development (Dartmouth Medical School), 89, 96
See also White River Junction VA Medical Center (WRJ VAMC)
healthcare insurance
and competition in healthcare systems, 183
in healthcare budget, 189-90
private, 74
and quality improvement, 172, 183
healthcare systems
comparing national, 11-13, 20-21
with interdependent elements, 14-15
ranking regional, 21-23
See also individual case studies
Health Quality Council (Canada), 216
Health System Safety Analysis (HSSA), 229
See also Calgary Health Region (CHR)
Heartlands Medipark, 39
Heart of England Foundation Trust (HEFT), 28
and collaboration with BEN PCT, 29
designation of 'foundation trust,' 29, 34, 39
and financial disincentives, 33-34
fiscal responsibilities of, 39-40
partnerships and national structure, 41
strategy map of, 40
See also Good Hope Hospital; National Health Service (UK)
Henriks, Göran, 127-29, 131, 133-35, 139
Henry Ford Health System (HFHS)
achievements, 185-87, 215
Annual Quality Expo, 199
background, 185, 189-90
competing demands, 203-4
data collection, 202-3
depression care initiative, 187-88
improvement models and methods, 200-1
leadership team, 198-99, 216-17
Office of Clinical Quality and Safety (OCQS), 196-99, 215
performance measures, 193, 217-18
physician engagement, 201-2
and a quality culture, 218-19
quality improvement as sustainable, 204-5
Renewal, 194-95, 196
service excellence initiatives, 195-96
staff contract for patient service, 197
Strategic Framework, 191-94
total quality management (TQM), 199-200
Henry Ford Hospital (HFH), 186, 202
100k Lives initiatives, 187
Henry Ford Medical Group, 186
Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital, 186, 195, 202
high-performing health systems
as capable of continual improvement, 14-16, 23, 40, 89-90, 131, 156
challenges in achieving, 19, 88
compared among countries, 12-13
See also individual case studies
improvement. See quality improvement
incentives. See goals and incentives
information collection. See data collection and integration
information technology
awards for use of, 27, 152
in Canada, 270
in case management, 33
challenges to implementation, 261
electronic health records, 81, 95-96, 101, 117, 159, 203, 230-32, 247
for indicator measurement systems, 80-81
Intermountain Healthcare use of, 152, 159-61
in Jönköping County Council, 139-40
in National Health Service, 52
for patient care management, 80-81
in quality improvement approaches, 17
in redesigned systems of care, 14, 69
use of shared e-records, 31
in Veterans Health Administration improvements, 71
See also data collection and integration
infrastructure for improvement, 16-17
See also strategic planning
Institute for Healthcare Delivery Research, 153-54, 173-74, 179
See also Intermountain Healthcare (IHC)
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 21, 82, 85-87, 118
improvement education, 100, 199, 228-29
and Jönköping initiative, 123, 129-31, 134, 145, 147, 148-49
100k Lives initiatives, 88, 186, 218
Institute for Innovation and Improvement (NHS), 30, 41, 54-55, 68
Institute of Medicine, 14
integration of services
achievements by CHR, 239-40, 242
achievements by IHC, 152-54
in Jönköping, 128-29
and performance measurements, 117
philosophy of (IHC), 151
Quebec's integrated health services networks, 115-16
role of information technology in (IHC), 159-60
structural (IHC), 156
in Veterans Health Administration, 71, 75-77
See also Veterans Affairs New England Healthcare System (VISN 1)
interdisciplinary and cross-functional teams
communication channels in, 133
in integrated health services networks, 115-16
in integration of health and social care, 46-47
medical emergency teams (METs), 250
in performance measurement goals, 92
in quality improvement, 15, 85, 86, 197-98, 237
use of by BEN PCT and HEFT, 30-31
Intermountain Healthcare (IHC)
background, 154-56
clinical integration strategy, 163-69
Electronic Data Warehouse, 159-60
focus on improvement, 158
incentives for clinical integration, 171-72
and information technology (Help system), 159-61
leadership structure, 169-70
challenges for, 173-74, 182
recent achievements, 151-54
and study of physician clinical variation, 157-58, 159
supports for clinical integration, 172-73
Isaksson, Lars, 127
James, Brent C., 153-54, 156-59, 161-69, 171-74
Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations International, 21
Jönköping County Council
background, 121, 125-26
business strategy of, 144
collaborations with health professions programs, 135
compared to other counties, 122
culture of financial discipline, 127-29
development stair (improvement journey), 138
educating for change, 132, 133-34, 138
Esther initiative, 123, 132
harvesting ideas by, 134-35
leadership in, 126-27, 131
Passion for Life initiative, 135
results of improvement initiatives, 146
role of leadership, 148-50
strategic improvement areas, 135-36
successful quality improvement, 124
sustainability of, 140-41
system-level improvement, 129-31
system transformation in, 138-39
system view of, 139
Kaiser Permanente
as mentor to BEN PCT, 37-38, 40, 68
success of, 66, 118-19
three-level model for population management, 32
Karlsson, Sven-Olof, 126-33, 136-37, 139, 148
Kizer, Kenneth, 74-75, 77-78, 92, 119, 162
Kizer model, 103
Kizer Quality Achievement Recognition Grant (VHA), 91
Lawson, Michael, 83-85
LDS Hospital (Latter-Day Saints), 152, 155-56
See also Intermountain Healthcare (IHC)
in an improvement culture, 98-99
in approaches to improvement, 17, 18
in clinical integration model, 169-70, 174-75
collaboration by, 33-34, 66-67
communication among, 131
decision-making models, 230
as distributed, 246-47, 248-49
as engaged with staff, 84-85, 85-86, 87
and flat organizational structure, 196
within large networks, 102, 118-19
through network of committees, 76-77
and outcome-based analysis, 180
as overwhelmed (Jönköping), 140, 149
of physicians, 38, 118, 127, 227-28
in quality improvement, 40, 83
recognizing interdependencies, 138-39
as role models, 194-95
and service excellence process, 195
as stable (Jönköping), 121, 127, 139, 148
and staff contracts for service, 197
supporting local leadership, 16
System Quality Forum team (HFHS), 198-99
taking ownership, 89
and top-down strategy (HFHS), 205
transformational (Jönköping), 148-50
turnover, 49-50, 103-4, 140-41, 258-59
use of performance measures by, 79-80
Leadership Network (Jönköping), 131
Lean improvement methods, 35, 68, 100, 162, 200, 258
Leape, Lucian, 13
Lewis, Steven, 23, 157
Local Health Integration Networks (LHINS, Ontario), 66
Magnet Hospital status, 152
Making the Shift project, 30
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program (US). See Baldrige model
market share
applied to Canadian system, 182
competition for, 39, 67, 151
and regulation, 182
See also competition in healthcare systems
Mayo Clinic, 189
McKay Dee Hospital Center, 152
See also Intermountain Healthcare (IHC)
measurements. See performance indicators/measurements
medical emergency teams (METs), 249-50, 252
microsystems. See clinical microsystems of care
Model for Improvement, 130, 132, 162
models and methods for improvement
at Henry Ford Health System, 199, 200-201
at Intermountain Healthcare, 162
as various, 15, 229-30
See also Breakthrough Series (IHI); LEAN improvement methods; Model for Improvement; Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA)/Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA); Six Sigma method for improvement
Modernisation Agency (UK), 35-36, 53, 54, 55
Monitor (regulatory agency) (UK), 34, 41, 49, 51
Montreal Health and Social Service Agency, 115
See also Quebec
mortality and morbidity rates
in BEN PCT's Southeast Asian population, 28
compared among countries, 12
as reform driver in NHS, 43
Moving Forward Together (HEFT), 35
multicultural communities, 28, 36, 65
multidisciplinary teams. See interdisciplinary and cross-functional teams
National Board of Health and Welfare (Sweden), 126, 130, 140
National Center for Patient Safety, Veterans Affairs (US), 88, 96, 112
National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Veterans Affairs (US), 96
national healthcare systems compared, 11-13, 20-21
National Health Service (UK), 28
awards, 27
background, 43-44
flexibility of, 69
focus on financial discipline, 41
high-level structure of, 44
information systems, 41
information technology, 52
Making the Shift project, 30
national guidance, standards and targets, 49-52
pressure for change from, 33
quality improvement in, 53-55
reforms to demand side, 47-49
reforms to supply side, 44-47
regional accountability, 52, 67
rules about collusion, 40
See also Birmingham East and North Primary Care Trust (BEN PCT); Heart of England Foundation Trust (HEFT)
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (UK), 51-52
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (US), 96
National Primary Care Development Trust (UK), 134
National Quality Institute's Canada Awards for Excellence, 20
National Service Frameworks (NSFs) (UK), 51-52
Nelson, Bill, 151, 163, 171, 174
The New NHS - Modern, Dependable (UK Department of Health, 1997), 56
New Zealand healthcare system, 12
NHS Direct, 32
The NHS Improvement Plan: Putting People at the Heart of Public Services (UK Department of Health, 2004), 57
The NHS Plan - A Plan for Investment, A Plan for Reform (UK Department of Health, 2000), 56
Nolan, Tom, 138
enhanced roles for, 124
excellence in, 152
and Magnet status, 152
negotiating with unions for, 84
and non-nursing tasks, 255-58
and nurse practitioners, 269
in performance measures, 84, 113, 172
in quality management, 78, 254-55
in relationship with physician leaders, 38
occupational therapists, 124
Office for Learning and Innovation (Jönköping), 133
Office for Strategic Health Authorities (UK), 54
Office of Quality and Performance (VHA), 80-81
Ontario, Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs), 66
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 10, 29, 72, 125, 154, 191, 259, 277
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 12
organizational development, 15, 34-36, 40
See also skills development for improvement; strategic planning
Our Community Working Together for Excellence in Health (Calgary Health Region), 225-27
Our Health, Our Care, Our Say: A New direction for Community Services (UK Department of Health, 2006a), 57
Palmberg, Margareta, 130
Parker, Scott, 155-58, 163
participation. See collaboration and participation
Partners in Health Centre (HEFT), 30-31
Passion for Life initiative (Jönköping), 135
patient care management
chronic care initiative (HFHS), 188-89, 200, 204-5
depression care initiative (HFHS), 187-88, 201
improving patient flow, 86-87, 123
use of information technology, 80-81
patient education
by BEN PCT and HEFT, 30-31, 32
self-management, 123, 134-35
patient needs, 15, 17
See also patient care management
patient safety, 13-14, 87-88, 97, 102, 134
in a just and trusting culture, 235
100k Lives initiatives, 88, 186-87
and non-nursing tasks, 256, 257
risk monitoring matrix (Trillium), 248
Robson Report for CHR, 233-34
Safer Healthcare Now!, 246, 249-55, 259, 261
Patient Safety Officer program (IHI), 134
patient satisfaction
and assertive case management, 33
awards for increasing, 27
improved by BEN PCT and HEFT, 31, 32
increased choice of providers, 31, 48
and service excellence initiative (HFHS), 194, 195-96, 218
and staff service contract (HFHS), 197
of Veterans Affairs Boston, 89
of Veterans Affairs New England Healthcare System, 74
and Veterans Health Administration, 78, 111
performance indicators/measurements
Baldrige criteria for, 90
challenges to (WRJ VAMC), 94-95
Christmas tree/stoplight reports (VISN 1), 78-80, 92, 93, 94
and competing demands, 38-40
education leadership for (Jönköping), 132
in HFHS integration strategy, 193, 217-18
identifying priorities with (CHR), 230-31
local versus national (WRJ VAMC), 91-92
in NHS organizations, 50-51
nursing report card (VA Boston), 113
quality, utilization and efficiency (QUE) studies, 157, 158, 180
tools for, 128
of UK Health Commission, 58
at VA Boston, 83-84
in Veterans Health Administration, 71, 111-12
for VISN 1, 107, 108-9, 110, 117
in VISN structure, 77-80, 82
See also goals and incentives
Pfizer Health Solutions, 32, 40-41
challenges in Canada, 116, 117, 217, 269
and defining excellence in healthcare, 13
engagement in improvement programs, 19, 67-68, 201-2, 227-29, 237-38, 240
and financial incentives, 48-49, 56, 81, 83, 84, 171
funding models for, 147
as independent contractors, 45, 56, 195, 202
input into restructuring (CHR), 225
in leadership roles, 38
in patient safety, 88
and pay-for-performance, 81
performance assessments of (NHS), 51
and strategic planning, 33, 36
in structure of improvement, 17, 18
system attitude toward, 224
training for improvement, 135
and use of information technology, 81, 95, 161, 168
and variation in clinical practice, 157-58
Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA)/Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), 72, 92, 130, 132, 135, 162, 199, 200-201
improvement concepts and ideology, 68
operating within environment of, 101-2, 125, 127-28, 140, 146-47
population management three-level model, 32
populations served by case study systems
for Jönköping, 126
Veterans Affairs New England Healthcare System, 74, 101, 103
Portland protocol, 88
practice-based commissioning, 45-46
Press Ganey, 196
primary care trusts (PCTs), 28
See also Birmingham East and North Primary Care Trust (BEN PCT)
process management
analysis in quality improvement, 15
in Baldrige criteria, 20, 101
and components of capability, 17
in Jönköping, 127-28, 136-37, 139
methodology of Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 55
as participatory, 34-35
in Veterans Health Administration, 111-12
Pursuing Perfection initiative, 123-24, 138, 140, 146-47, 199-200
quality, utilization and efficiency (QUE) studies, 157, 158, 180
Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) (UK), 37, 41, 48-49
Quality by Design study
crafting of case studies for, 22
goals of project, 19-20, 29, 72, 124-25, 154, 190, 223
limitations to, 23
selection process of, 21-22, 29-30, 72, 125, 154, 191
strengths of, 23-24
Quality Conference (Sweden), 130
quality improvement
integrated networks for, 115, 156
organizational processes necessary for, 16-19
to system transformation, 138-39
tensions in, 82
theories of, 133-34, 161-62
use of data for, 140
use of term, 14-15
See also continuous improvement; skills development for improvement; individual case studies
Quality Management for Healthcare Delivery (James), 158
electronic health records, 117
integrated health services networks, 115-16, 117
QUL. See Qvalitet, Utveckling, Ledarskap (QUL)
Qulturum learning centre, 133-36, 140, 148
Futurum, 135
See also Jönköping County Council
Qvalitet, Utveckling, Ledarskap (QUL), 122, 128, 129, 130, 132, 138
See also Baldrige model
rapid cycle methodology, 85, 134, 139, 170, 200, 201, 229, 252
Reason, James, 13
Reinertsen, James, 138, 162
resource allocation
in Canadian system, 68, 261
conflicting demands, 237-38
and disincentives for change, 33-34, 137
financial discipline of Jönköping, 127-29, 134
financial discipline of NHS, 41
and funding improvement work, 36-37
HFHS funding, 185, 189-90
in improvement programs, 17, 18
increased funding and capacity to NHS, 44-45
and physician responsibility, 38
and practice-based commissioning, 45-46
for project management (Trillium), 251, 258
for quality improvement initiatives (HFHS), 196
See also accountability; competition in healthcare systems; cost of healthcare systems
return on investment (ROI), 157, 162
See also resource allocation
Robert W. Carey Performance Excellence Program (VA), 90-91, 98, 101
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 123
Robson Report (Calgary Health Region), 233-34
role redesign, 124
root cause analysis, 88, 97, 133, 229, 264
Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 27
Ryhov Hospital, 133
See also Jönköping County Council
Safe Practices for Better Healthcare (National Quality Forum, US), 198
safety in healthcare. See patient safety
Sahney, Vinod, 199-200
Schlichting, Nancy, 185, 191
self-management by patients, 123, 134-35
See also patient education
Six Sigma method for improvement, 100, 162, 200, 258
skills development for improvement
Advanced Training Program (ATP) (IHC), 161-63, 174-75
attribute of successful improvement, 17-18
for case management (HEFT), 33
in clinical integration, 168-69
through collaborations (VA), 99-101
collaborations with professional programs, 135
to foster collaboration (Trillium), 254
for front-line staff (BEN PCT, HEFT), 68
for internal expertise (Jönköping), 134
investing in (Jönköping), 129-30, 149
in leadership, 246-47
during organizational change (BEN PCT, HEFT), 35-36, 40
during organizational change (CHR), 228
during organizational change (HFHS), 199-200
as part of culture, 100
in patient safety, 239
Quality 101 training, 201
restructuring to align with (Jönköping), 130-32
and role redesign (NHS), 45
for succession planning (VA), 96-97
See also Qulturum learning centre
Solihull PCT, 39
staff satisfaction, 89, 195-96, 197, 203-4, 237-38, 239
standardization and systematization
of information technology, 80
limitations of, 102-3
as national strategy, 118
tensions inherent in, 82
use of clinical practice guidelines, 80-81
in VISN 1, 75, 77-80, 101, 117
statistical process control, 229
Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) (UK), 43, 52, 55
strategic planning
articulating goals, 16-17, 18
articulating goals (Jönköping), 133
as criteria of Baldrige Award, 20
and data collection, 36, 86
data collection in (Jönköping), 128-29
developing goals and values (BEN PCT), 34-35
as evidence-based (IHC), 163-66
frameworks for (WRJ VAMC), 91-92, 101
for integration of services (IHC), 151
monitoring of (Jönköping), 127
as part of culture (WRJ VAMC), 100
quality planning at centre of (Jönköping), 136, 146-47
and regional accountability (NHS), 52
and restructuring for improvement, 224-27
scorecard (BEN PCT), 59
stoplight report for (WRJ VAMC), 92-93
Strategic Framework and diagram (HFHS), 191-94
and total quality management (HFHS), 199-200
Studer Group, 195
sustainable change, 36, 204-5, 260-61
goals for quality in, 121-22
healthcare system in, 125-29, 141
politics and healthcare, 127, 130
Wait Times Guarantee, 128
See also Jönköping County Council
Swedish Association for Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), 126, 130, 135, 140, 141
priorities of, 143
Swedish OG (audit instrument), 128
Swedish Pharmacy Association, 133
teams and teamwork. See interdisciplinary and cross-functional teams
total quality management (TQM), 128-29, 138, 158, 199
See also continuous improvement
training. See skills development for improvement
Trillium Health Centre
achievements, 245-46
enterprise risk-management/risk-monitoring matrix, 246, 248, 263
Foundations of Leadership/distributed leadership, 246-47, 248-49, 260, 264
information technology, 260-61
medical emergency teams (METs), 249-51, 252, 254-55, 260
Non-Nursing Task Force (NNTF), 246, 249, 255-58, 260
quality reporting framework, 259, 266
reduction of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), 250-51, 253-54
Safer Healthcare Now! (SHN!), 246, 249-55, 259, 261, 265
staff education, 246-47, 254, 260
strategic priorities for improvement, 248-49
THINK (Transforming Healthcare into Integrated Networks of Knowledge), 247, 253, 261
United Kingdom
healthcare system, 12
policy and financial mechanisms in, 34
policy papers, 56-57
See also National Health Service (UK)
United States healthcare system
performance and cost comparisons, 12
top ranking integrated health systems, 152
University of Toronto Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, 29, 71-72
University of Vermont, 89
Vaggeryd Primary Care Centre, 132
See also Jönköping County Council
value stream analysis, 31
Västerbotten County Council (Sweden), 141
Veterans Affairs Interprofessional Fellowship Program in Patient Safety, 97
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Boston
background, 82
collaboration with IHI, 85-86
General Internal Medicine program, 88
implementing changes, 84-85, 118
improving patient flow, 86-87
100k Lives initiatives, 88
nursing report card measures, 113
patient safety, 87-88
performance measurement, 83-84
staff and patient satisfaction, 89
See also Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
Veterans Affairs National Center for Patient Safety, 97
Veterans Affairs National Quality Scholars Program, 96-97, 112
Veterans Affairs New England Healthcare System (VISN 1)
aging and decreasing patient population of, 103
background, 72-74
change to a healthcare system, 74-75, 118-19
Clinical Leadership Committee structure, 76-77
External Peer Review Program, 78
government rules and relationships, 101-2
information technology, 80-81
leadership and staff turnover in, 103-4
organization of service lines by (care delivery), 75-77, 116
performance measurement system (Christmas tree reports), 78-80, 92, 94
use of Baldrige framework by, 91
See also Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
Veterans Affairs Nursing Outcomes database, 84
Veterans Affairs Outcomes Group Research Enhancement Award Program, 96
Veterans Equitable Reimbursement Allocation (VERA), 74
Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
education of staff, 99-101
electronic record system, 80-81
External Peer Review Program, 78, 94
Kizer Quality Achievement Recognition Grant, 91
national standards, 118
Office of Quality and Performance, 80, 111-12
radical transformation of, 71
Robert W. Carey Performance Excellence Program, 90-91, 98, 101
staff turnover, 99
VHA clinical patient record system (VistA), 80
See also Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Boston; Veterans Affairs New England Healthcare System (VISN 1); White River Junction VA Medical Center (WRJ VAMC)
wait times
awards for reducing, 27
and booking system redesign, 31
collaborations to reduce, 85-86
improvement in (Jönköping), 123
monitoring of (VISN 1), 78, 107
in NHS, 43, 45, 49-50
and patient satisfaction (HFHS), 196
and process improvements (VA Boston), 84
reducing of by BEN PCT and HEFT, 30, 31
reducing of by CHR, 229
Wait Times Guarantee in Sweden, 128
at WRJ VAMC, 97
Warden, Gail, 199-200
Warner, Homer, 159
West Midlands Strategic Health Authority, 28, 41
West Roxbury units (VHA), 87
See also Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Boston
White, Ken, 245-47, 258
White River Junction VA Medical Center (WRJ VAMC)
background to improvement initiatives, 89-90
Care Coordination Home Telehealth program, 114
collaboration with Dartmouth Medical School, 96-97
and culture of improvement, 98, 100
electronic health record system, 95-96
External Peer Review Program, 94
field site for VA National Center for Patient Safety, 97
leadership and improvement, 98-99
leadership and staff turnover, 103-4
overcoming challenges, 91
as part of VISN 1 network, 102
performance measurements, 91-95
stoplight report, 92, 93
Stop Workforce Accidents Team, 114
use of Baldrige/Carey initiatives, 90-91
VA Interprofessional Fellowship Program in Patient Safety, 97
See also Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
Working for Patients (UK NHS, 1989), 56
Working Together for Health initiative (BEN PCT and HEFT), 29, 30-31, 33, 36-37
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