Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 4(1) September 2000 : 58-61.doi:10.12927/hcq.2000.20512

Restructuring a National Treasure: The New Plan for England's National Health Service

Bill Bain


On July 27, Prime Minister Tony Blair unveiled "The NHS Plan - a plan for investment, a plan for reform" to Britain's Parliament. The Plan is ambitious and radical. Backed by a commitment to increase spending by £19 billion, the Plan has a solid funding base, which may improve the chances of success while other plans have failed in the past. As we in Canada wrestle with the need to restructure our healthcare systems, we might note Mr. Blair's comment that the NHS was a "1940s service operating in a 21st century world." The Plan itself is a lengthy document (over 140 pages), but some key points can be identified. A number of themes resonate throughout the NHS Plan. Paramount among these is consumerism, or patient empowerment.



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