Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 13(4) September 2010 : 89-93.doi:10.12927/hcq.2013.22005
Patient-Centred Care

Person-Centred Dementia Care: A Case Study at the Lodge at Broadmead

Nancy Gnaedinger and Janice Robinson


Dementia care best practice is achievable through a multi-faceted program, including a familiar, home-like environment for residents; an interdisciplinary team approach; a clear clinical program document; continual education/training for staff in all roles; and constant participatory evaluation. With such a comprehensive approach, staff will likely increase their focus on residents as individuals rather than tasks; familiarity, communication and collaboration within the team; and knowledge and understanding of dementias and dementia care. This claim is based on five years of continual evaluation of the Dementia Care Program at the Lodge at Broadmead in Victoria, British Columbia.



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