Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 14(1) January 2011 : 9-14.doi:10.12927/hcq.2011.22149

Awards and Appointments


Acting CEO at Alberta Health Services

The Board of Alberta Health Services has announced that Dr. Chris Eagle, executive vice-president of quality and service improvement at Alberta Health Services, has been named acting chief executive officer (CEO) following the departure of Dr. Stephen Duckett. The board will commence a process to recruit a new CEO.

Formerly president and chief operating officer for the Calgary Health Region, Dr. Eagle is a professor at the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta and holds an adjunct appointment at the University of Victoria. In addition to Dr. Eagle's responsibilities as acting president and CEO, he is responsible is for the operational activities at the academic hospitals in Alberta. He is also responsible for quality and safety initiatives across Alberta Health Services.

Alberta Health Services is the provincial health authority responsible for planning and delivering health supports and services for more than 3.7 million adults and children living in Alberta. Its mission is to provide a patient-focused quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans.

New Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health

Dr. Jean L. Rouleau was appointed as scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health, effective December 1, 2010. Dr. Rouleau is currently dean of the University of Montreal's Faculty of Medicine and practises cardiology at the Montreal Heart Institute. He has also served as a member of the CIHR Governing Council since 2005. A respected cardiologist and world-famous researcher, Dr. Rouleau previously taught at the University of Toronto and served as director of the Cardiac Program and the cardiology departments at Toronto's University Health Network and at Mount Sinai Hospital.

The CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health supports research into causes, mechanisms, prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems and palliation for a wide range of conditions associated with the heart, lung, brain (stroke), blood, blood vessels, critical care and sleep.

New Chair for CADTH's Board of Directors

The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) is pleased to announce that Dr. Terrence Sullivan has been appointed chair of the CADTH Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2011. Dr. Sullivan is the former president and CEO of Cancer Care Ontario. He is an active member of the International Health Economics Association and the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research. He is currently vice-chair of the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion and serves on the board of the Canadian Partnership against Cancer. A social scientist, he maintains faculty appointments at the University of Toronto in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation and at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

CADTH is an independent, not-for-profit agency funded by Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments to provide credible, impartial advice and evidence-based information about the effectiveness of drugs and other health technologies to Canadian healthcare decision-makers.

New Board Chair Announced for Patient Safety Institute

The Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) is pleased to announce that Maura Davies has been appointed as the new chair of the CPSI Board of Directors. Recognized across Canada as a respected and enthusiastic advocate of patient safety and quality improvement, Davies has been working diligently to create a culture of patient safety in her role as president and CEO of the Saskatoon Health Region. Prior to her position with the Saskatoon Health Region, Davies was the vice-president of planning and performance for Capital Health, in Halifax. She has more than 30 years' experience in healthcare as a clinical dietician, educator and senior health executive.

Cancer Care Ontario Appoints Michael Sherar as Incoming President and CEO

Michael Sherar, PhD, a seasoned healthcare leader and internationally recognized researcher, has been named the new president and CEO of Cancer Care Ontario effective Monday, January 17, 2011. Dr. Sherar is currently vice-president of planning and regional programs for Cancer Care Ontario, leading 14 regional cancer programs, and heads up Cancer Care Ontario's capital projects and provincial cancer services planning, including the Ontario Cancer Plan, new centre planning and major capital equipment. He replaces Terrence Sullivan, PhD, who has led Cancer Care Ontario as president and CEO during the past decade as the organization built the solid foundation of cancer services across the province.

Cancer Care Ontario is the provincial agency responsible for improving cancer services, and it plays a key role in driving quality in the Access to Care Strategy and the newly formed Ontario Renal Network.

New Head of Department of Surgery at University of Toronto

Neurosurgeon Dr. James Rutka, co-founder and co-director of the Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumour Research Centre, has been appointed chair of the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine for a five-year term, starting April 1, 2011. Dr. Rutka is a neurosurgeon at The Hospital for Sick Children. He has been a member of the Department of Surgery since 1990 and has just completed an 11-year term as chair of the Division of Neurosurgery. He currently serves as the president-elect of the American Academy of Neurological Surgery and the president of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Dr. Rutka has won numerous awards and honours. His primary research and clinical interests relate to the treatment of pediatric brain tumours as well as the surgical treatment of epilepsy in children.

New CEO of Champlain LHIN

The Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Alex Munter as its CEO. He will officially begin his duties at the Champlain LHIN on January 24, 2011, taking over from the current CEO, Dr. Robert Cushman.

Since early 2007, Munter has been executive director of the Youth Services Bureau. He has also been visiting professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, since 2004. Munter was a city and regional councillor in Ottawa from 1991 to 2003. Munter has won numerous awards from a wide range of organizations for his contributions to the community, including the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the Canadian Institute for Child Health, United Way/Centraide Ottawa, the Federal Business Development Bank and the Ontario Association of Social Workers.

Bonnie Adamson named President and CEO of London Health Sciences Centre

Bonnie Adamson became the new president and chief executive officer of the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) effective October 25, 2010. Adamson is a healthcare leader of provincial and national prominence. She brings an unparalleled background of success, including leading one of the largest community teaching hospitals in the country and experience as CEO of a smaller hospital in the region.

Since 2002, Adamson has been the president and CEO of North York General Hospital, where she created a dynamic and innovative culture, led a financial turnaround and achieved breakthrough patient safety and quality results. At the centre of the SARS situation in 2003, Adamson successfully led the hospital through that most difficult and challenging time.

Adamson was the founding president and CEO of the Huron Perth Partnership in 1998, leading eight independent hospitals into a high-performance, single integrated service delivery system. Prior to that, she enjoyed a 20-year career at LHSC and the former Victoria Hospital, serving in a variety of roles including clinical educator, nurse supervisor, head nurse, director of nursing and vice-president of nursing. Adamson also served as the vice-president of patient networks and alliances, creating the initial strategic vision and goals of enhanced partnerships with healthcare agencies across southwestern Ontario.

New CEO at St. Joseph's Health Care, London

The St. Joseph's Health Care, London, Board of Directors recently announced the appointment of Dr. Gillian Kernaghan to the position of president and CEO, effective October 4, 2010. Dr. Kernaghan is a highly respected physician and administrative leader, renowned for her medical, academic and system leadership at local, regional, provincial and national levels. Since 2006, she has been integrated vice-president of medical education and medical affairs for both London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) and St. Joseph's. Among her many accomplishments in this role, she led the establishment of an ethics program at LHSC, acted as the hospitals' pandemic incident manager and led a city-wide hand hygiene campaign that saw 40–50% increases in compliance across hospital sites within two years.

Prior to her current role, Dr. Kernaghan was vice-president of medical and professional affairs at St. Joseph's for five years. Between 1993 and 1997, she was vice-president of medical services at Parkwood Hospital and played a key role in the smooth transition of Parkwood's amalgamation with St. Joseph's in 1997. Dr. Kernaghan is an assistant professor at the University of Western Ontario and is currently on faculty teaching an advanced physician manager institute course for the Canadian Medical Association. She's also president-elect of the Canadian Society of Physician Executives and is active on a range of provincial and national organizations.

Inaugural Chair in Public Health Policy at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health

Professor Adalsteinn Brown has been appointed the inaugural chair in public health policy at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. Coinciding with this appointment, he will be joining St. Michael's Hospital as a scientist in the Keenan Research Centre of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute.

Professor Brown comes to the Dalla Lana School from his positions as assistant deputy minister in the Health System Strategy Division in Ontario's Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and in the Science and Research Division in Ontario's Ministry of Research and Innovation. Prior to this, he was in tenure stream in the University of Toronto's Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, where he has sustained teaching that is most highly ranked by graduate students.

While at the university, Professor Brown was also the principal investigator for the Hospital Report Research Collaborative, developing scorecards for acute care, emergency department care, chronic care, rehabilitation and mental healthcare in hospitals across Ontario. He has also served as an advisor to the World Health Organization, major hospital networks, health maintenance organizations, insurance companies and investment banks in Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia.

KPMG Acquires Blackstone Partners

KPMG LLP (Canada) has acquired Blackstone Partners, a 15-member firm specializing in strategy and organizational effectiveness, notably in the healthcare, provincial government and municipal government sectors. Blackstone Partners is recognized for assisting its clients in developing strategies that reinvigorate engagement with stakeholders. Its team is known for delivering creative and innovative approaches that help solve the complex challenges of the public and healthcare sectors.


Top Health Researchers in Canada Awarded for Exceptional Achievements

Canada's top health researchers were announced and acknowledged during the 2010 Canadian Health Research Awards.

Canada's Health Researcher of the Year: Dr. Clyde Hertzman, University of British Columbia. Through his research, Dr. Hertzman has gathered a wide range of scientific evidence to support the idea that what happens during childhood is important to lifelong health. His findings have helped shape policies around childhood learning and development, and influenced Ontario's recent decision to expand to full-day kindergarten for four- and five-year-olds.

Canada's Premier Young Researcher Award: Dr. David Hammond, University of Waterloo. By studying cigarette packaging and labelling, Dr. Hammond analyzed how the tobacco industry designs its labels to recruit new smokers and how that same packaging can be used to discourage people from smoking. His findings have been incorporated into the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the first global health treaty, and he has helped countries develop warning label policies for tobacco products.

CIHR Knowledge Translation Award: Dr. Tofy Mussivand, University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Using his background in engineering and medicine, Dr. Mussivand created an implantable artificial heart. His leadership has led to important advances in his field of research, including the development of standards for medical devices and the creation of a successful medical device company.

CIHR Partnership Award: Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. The Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project is a community-wide effort to improve physical activity levels and diet, with the end goal of reducing type 2 diabetes levels. The project began within the community, is led by the community and relies on participants of all ages from Kahnawake to make it possible. Through its partnership with researchers from McGill University, the community is assessing the impact of the project.

SickKids Named Performance Leader

In recognition of its enterprise-wide efforts in adopting the Balanced Scorecard (a strategic management tool that measures, monitors and manages enterprise performance), SickKids was honoured as an inductee into the Palladium Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame on November 10, 2010. This prestigious award is a mark of accomplishment and good management that is shared by only a few North American hospitals. It is viewed as one of the pre-eminent awards in enterprise performance management, and SickKids is one of just a handful of Canadian organizations to receive the award.

Homewood Honours Dr. Robert Wilson for Contributions to Workplace Health

Robert F. Wilson, PhD, RPsych, co-founder and former CEO of Human Solutions, was honoured recently for his long-standing commitment to mental health in the workplace. At a celebration held on September 29 at the Hollyburn Country Club in West Vancouver, which marked his retirement, Dr. Wilson was presented with the Centre for Organizational Health at Homewood Award.

The Centre for Organizational Health at Homewood, an affiliate of Homewood Health Centre, is an organization dedicated to the exploration, analysis and communication of information about mental illness and mental disabilities as they relate to the Canadian workplace, economy and society. Previous award recipients include Michael Wilson, Canada's former ambassador to the United States, and the Honourable Michael Kirby, chair of the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

Saint Elizabeth Health Care Receives Gold Award for Quality

Saint Elizabeth Health Care has been recognized by the National Quality Institute with its Gold Award for Organizational Quality and Healthy Workplace. As the only home and community care service provider at the Canada Awards of Excellence Gold Trophy level, Saint Elizabeth was rewarded for its focus on quality services and processes. With a vision to honour the human face of healthcare, Saint Elizabeth and all of its 4,500 employees take a keen interest in enabling the absolute best client experience. This commitment begins with a corporate team dedicated to continual improvement in all aspects of their business and is carried on by technology-equipped and passionate front-line staff.

Highlights of HealthAchieve 2010

The Ted Freedman Award

The award is a bronze self-portrait sculpture created by Ontario artist Amy Switzer following her recovery from neurosurgery.

Overview of Ted Freedman Award Winners' Submission

In 2004 the UBC Faculty of Medicine's Distributed Medical Education Program launched an innovative distributed medical education program to address the shortages of medical doctors in underserviced regions and populations in BC. Developed in collaboration with the Government of British Columbia, the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), the University of Victoria (UVic) and provincial regional health authorities, the program doubled undergraduate class sizes in only three years, and has extended UBC's medical program to medical learners and faculty in all regions of BC.

While other schools of medicine have engaged in distributed initiatives for components of their medical curricula, UBC was the first school in North America to leverage highly integrated and scalable audiovisual and collaboration technologies as a part of the core strategy. Having operated successfully for six years, the DMEP is a reference model for simultaneous distributed medical education, enabling emerging physicians to train and remain in historically underserviced communities.

The Ted Freedman Award for Innovation in Education is open to all international healthcare organizations. Anyone or any group can submit. The award acknowledges Mr. Freedman's contribution to quality of healthcare education and it recognizes his important support for excellence in Canadian healthcare journalism which found an early home and definition in his boardroom at Mount Sinai Hospital. This prestigious award recognizes those individuals or organizations that inspire, advocate and enable education in health, health services and healthcare management.

Longwoods Publishing, in cooperation with the Ontario Hospital Association, invites you to submit your 'Innovation in Education' program. Adjudication is by an independent panel headed up by Dr. Louise Lemieux-Charles from the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto. There are three criteria: (1) the value of the innovation as an agent of change, (2) the evidence of the project's success and (3) the appropriate use of technology.

The individual or representative from the organization honoured will receive a certificate, exquisitely framed, and an all-expenses-paid trip to HealthAchieve.

In 2010 there were 18 full submissions. The jury's unanimous selection addressed and continues to address the shortages of medical doctors in underserved regions and underserved populations. Using a Distributed Medical Education Program the program succeeded and in the process produces doctors educated in British Columbia who stay in British Columbia.

Dave Lampron, director, technology enabled learning, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, and Geoff Payne, assistant dean, Northern Medical Program, University of Northern British Columbia, accepted the award on behalf of UBC's Distributed Medical Education Program.

Bookmark or email for upcoming 2011 submissions deadlines.

Leading Practice Award

The Leading Practices Electronic Display offers provinces, regions, hospitals, healthcare institutions and health management organizations, locally and abroad, the opportunity to share what they have done to improve the Patient Experience in healthcare.

Nursing Leadership Award

The Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) presents the 2010 Margret Comack Award of Excellence in Nursing Leadership. This award is designed to acknowledge the outstanding leadership of an individual nurse in a senior leadership position (vice-president, director, etc), who is employed in a member organization (hospitals, associates and affiliates) of the OHA.

Dr. Joy Richards is the incoming vice-president of professional affairs and chief nursing executive at the University Health Network in Toronto, an academic health science centre composed of three hospitals – Toronto General, The Princess Margaret Hospital and Toronto Western Hospital. She is also the immediate past-president of the Academy of Canadian Executive Nurses, and holds clinical appointments at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Nursing, York University Faculty of Nursing and Humber College in Toronto.

Her previous experience includes progressive senior nursing management positions in the acute care and long-term care sectors, nursing education and nursing informatics.

Dr. Richards graduated from the University of Toronto with a bachelor of science degree in nursing in 1981, and a master's degree in nursing in 2000. She then went on to complete a master of arts degree in human and organizational systems from Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, California in spring 2005. She is also a graduate of the Queen's University Executive Program and a Johnson & Johnson Wharton Fellow, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Richards completed her doctoral studies in 2008 in human and organizational development at Fielding Graduate University; her dissertation focused on exploring and understanding the development and practice of feminine courage in leadership. Her particular interests, focus and passion are in the area of nursing leadership, quality of work life environments and the development of practice settings, with a special focus on excellence in geriatric care.


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