Nursing Leadership, 25(2) July 2012: 59-69.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2012.22963
Nursing Research
Articulating the Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist in New Brunswick
Serena Jones Charbachi, Claire Williams and Dianne McCormack
The clinical nurse specialist (CNS) role is often misunderstood and underutilized. Through partnership with the CNS Advisory Committee in the Horizon Health Network and the Masters of Nursing Program at the University of New Brunswick, the authors developed a clear articulation and visual representation of the CNS role in New Brunswick. This paper synthesizes information gleaned from interviews with the clinical nurse specialists working within Horizon Health Network and integrates this information with the published literature and the position statement of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA). Vision, voice and value emerged as key considerations, as did barriers to, and successes of, the CNS role. This paper contributes to the acquisition of knowledge regarding the role of the CNS according to the CNA and current published literature. It further promotes an understanding of the important role of the CNS in the healthcare system in New Brunswick, and introduces strategies that can be utilized by clinical nurse specialists to demonstrate value and support the continuation of the role.
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