Insights December 2012
A New Healthcare “Ghost Busting” Series
Early this year Hugh Macleod, CEO of Canadian Patient Safety Institute, created an essay for Longwoods that borrowed one of Charles Dickens’ ghosts from A Christmas Carol and set it loose upon a modern realm. He titled it: “The Ghost of Healthcare Despair”. While Hugh is no Charles Dickens, the metaphorical piece, as well as a follow-up, were well received and inspired a Longwoods invitation to Hugh to create a series of “Healthcare Ghost Busting Essays” .
For each essay Hugh will be joined on what he calls the “balcony of personal reflection” with a special “guest” co–author.
Like the first two essays, the guest and Hugh will be interrupted mid essay-conversation by the familiar voice. It is the voice of the critic / the cynic. Like one of Scrooge’s ghosts, its aim is to shock us into consciousness.
Starting the first week in January 2013 and then every week for twenty weeks an essay co-written with a special guest will be published covering a dimension of Healthcare Transformation.
To begin the conversation and set the stage for the series, on January 8, 2013 Longwoods invites you to join Hugh Macleod and Graham Dickson on the “balcony of personal reflection” in a conversation titled ”Passive Following vs Future Focused Leading”. Let the Ghost Busting Series begin!
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