Healthcare Quarterly, 16(4) October 2013: 55-60.doi:10.12927/hcq.2014.23656
Managing Information
Evaluating the Adoption of E-prescribing in Primary Care
Gurprit K. Randhawa, Francis Lau and Morgan Price
The purpose of this study was to examine the adoption of e-prescribing by primary care physicians in Central Vancouver Island. To accomplish this, a multi-method study design was used to compare the ideal state of e-prescribing (desired e-prescribing features in an electronic medical record [EMR]) with the possible state (what the EMR offers) and current state (what physicians are using in practice).
The authors found that recruited physicians are using most of the e-prescribing and EMR features available. However, there are several gaps between the ideal, possible and current states of e-prescribing. The authors address the identified gaps through physician-level, policy-related and technology-related recommendations to improve the adoption, design and development of e-prescribing features.
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