Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 17(4) December 2014 : 41-45.doi:10.12927/hcq.2015.24116
Mental Health

Improving First-Line Mental Health Services in Canada: Addressing Two Challenges Caused by the Deinstitutionalization Movement

Jessica Spagnolo


The deinstitutionalization movement in Canada began in the 1960s. It is defined as the process of discharging chronic mental health patients into the community in order for them to receive care from community mental health services. The deinstitutionalization movement is failing in Canada at this time for two main reasons: (1) the provinces' community mental health programs lack integration; and (2) the negative stigma attached to mental illness is still present in the community. This article will discuss ways to ensure the integration of first-line mental health services and the elimination of stigma through organizational and systemic changes in Canada.



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