ElectronicHealthcare December 2017
Digital Technologies in Healthcare
Clinical Documentation in an Era of Increasing Transparency: The Impact of Electronic Portals on Care
Joanne Maxwell, Keith Adamson, Amir Karmali and Lee Verweel
[This article was originally published in Healthcare Quarterly, 20(3)]
Electronic health records (EHRs) and consumer health portals have implications for improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of healthcare and make it much easier for patients and families to access health information in a timely and convenient manner. However, the accessibility of information afforded by EHRs and health portals changes the dynamic of control over health information in very significant ways. Institutions and their clinicians have typically been the caretakers of these documents; therefore, the introduction of portals represents a major cultural shift in healthcare. The efforts of both clinicians and patients are needed to effectively make this shift, as the implementation of new technology is uniquely challenging within a healthcare setting. An interactive workshop was facilitated to understand clinicians' perceived challenges of this shift with a specific focus on the implications of increased transparency and patients' increased access to health information.
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