Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 22(2) July 2019 : 63-67.doi:10.12927/hcq.2019.25902
Quality Improvement

myHip&Knee: Improving Patient Engagement and Self-Management through Mobile Technology

Jeffery D. Gollish, Lucy Pereira, Anne Marie MacLeod, Amy Wainwright, Deborah Kennedy, Susan Robarts, Patricia Dickson and Susan Clark


Given the increasing volume of hip and knee replacement surgery with reduced hospital stays and resources, we explored technology to address gaps in patient care and enhance self-management. The team at the Holland Orthopaedic and Arthritic Centre of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, which performs a high volume of joint replacement surgery, partnered with patients and a health technology company to create a mobile app: myHip&Knee. The results to date demonstrate that the app improves patient experience and reduces follow-up calls to surgeons' offices, ultimately reducing demand on healthcare resources. Early engagement of privacy and legal services, close patient and family collaboration and a well-developed evaluation strategy represent critical steps to successful development.



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