Healthcare Quarterly, 23(1) April 2020: 28-33.doi:10.12927/hcq.2020.26142
Patient-Oriented Research
Evaluating the Patient Family Advisor Experience in Patient Oriented Research
Michelle Flowers, Janet Gunderson and Dale Hall
As part of the Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (SCPOR)'s commitment to improving the experience of patient and family advisors (PFAs) who engage with local patient-oriented research teams, one of the supports offered is an evaluation that assesses the experiences and effectiveness of PFAs as research team members. In a recent evaluation project, SCPOR used an academically validated questionnaire and a survey co-designed by local PFAs. The results showed that PFAs wanted more frequent updates throughout the research project and greater role clarity. They also reported that the best part of their engagement was feeling like a valued team member.
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