HealthcarePapers, 19(2) May 2020: 10-15.doi:10.12927/hcpap.2020.26263
Improving Value Means Increasing Population Health and Equity
Walter P. Wodchis and Robert J. Reid
The purpose of this commentary is to outline a vision for the future of value-based healthcare in provinces across Canada and offer a few suggestions for the requirements to make substantial gains in value, based on learnings from past initiatives. We declare as our premise that improving value in healthcare means to improve population health. The goal of improving population health means to improve both average quality of life and life expectancy and to reduce inequalities in these health outcomes. That is, to "shift and squeeze" the population health distribution, as Dr. Patricia Martens phrased it in the Emmett Hall lecture at the Canadian Health Services and Policy Research conference in 2014.
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