Healthcare Quarterly

Healthcare Quarterly 23(4) January 2021 : 53-59.doi:10.12927/hcq.2020.26392
Workplace Safety

Developing and Implementing a Patient Behaviour Risk Screening, Communication and Care Planning Intervention for Hospital Settings

Marija Corovic, Susan Fuciarelli, Denise Johnson, Erika Caspersen, Tony DeBono, Karen Spithoff, Elaine Principi, Melissa Brouwers and Jon-David Schwalm


Workplace violence prevention of patient behaviours is a primary safety focus in hospital settings. In response to provincial mandates, a multi-site tertiary care hospital system developed the Behaviour Safety Risk Communication and Care Planning Program. Components include patient risk screening, communication tools and care plans that outline mitigation strategies. The program has been implemented at six sites using the following strategies: educational and planning meetings, formation of steering committees, identification of champions, educational materials/training, facilitation and consultation, and audit and feedback. Our paper can guide program development and implementation in similar contexts.



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