Nursing Leadership

Nursing Leadership 34(4) December 2021 : 163-166.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2021.26674

Nurses Have Names

Dorothy M. Pringle


This postscript to the issue is a series of reflections by Dorothy Pringle, the previous editor-in-chief, on the contributions Lynn Nagle has made as editor-in-chief of the Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership over the past 11 years and the richness of the perspectives of the authors of the 18 invited papers. The author also reflects on the contrast between the amount of attention and accolades nurses as care providers have received during the pandemic while having few, if any, nurses emerge as spokespeople or interpreters of the nursing roles and the contributions that nurses have made. Unlike other disciplines and despite their contributions, we have not learned the names of any nursing experts.



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