Nursing Leadership, 34(4) December 2021: 97-102.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2021.26684
Anticipating Practice Transformations: What's Next?
Commentary – Access to Virtual Care Matters: The Problem with Giving to Some and Not All
Leinic Chung-Lee, Cristina Catallo and Suzanne Fredericks
Expedited in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, virtualization of healthcare is becoming an inevitable norm. While this conveys hope for improving health systems performance, inequitable access could result in consequences that intensify health disparities and increase the burden on the health system. Nurse leaders are optimally positioned to tactfully influence policy directions on virtual care and shape a comprehensive research agenda that includes virtual nursing care in all domains of practice. With virtual care advancing into the mainstream, it is time to mind the health equity gap and co-design virtualized care that ensures the needs of all are met.
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