Nursing Leadership

Nursing Leadership 35(4) January 2023 : 55-67.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2023.27073


Rural and remote Indigenous communities face unique challenges, and they must drive solutions for sustaining and maintaining distinct nursing practices. Resourcing Indigenous community needs and aspirations for health depends on sustainable funding and an appropriately resourced nursing workforce. An Indigenous community-engaged research team led a program of study exploring Indigenous systems of care with three distinct communities. We used Indigenous research methodologies to identify obstacles to care and ways to advance nursing and healthcare delivery according to unique values and demographical and geographical influences. Using a collaborative analysis approach with communities, we identified themes related to resourcing nursing positions, supporting nursing education and valuing nursing influence in determining program priorities. The voice of the community in research is a powerful force for advocacy, ensuring that nurses are supported in relationships with communities and in designing programs that fit the community's vision for health and wellness. We recognize the essential contributions of nurse leaders to policy processes in formulating and coordinating ideas for program redesign across and within levels of organizations for health and social justice impacts. We conclude our paper by noting implications for nursing leadership in diverse settings with the goal of sustaining a nursing workforce to provide culturally safe, wellness-focused care.



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