Nursing Leadership, 35(4) January 2023: 30-41.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2023.27075
Special Focus On Nursing Retention
From Recruitment to Retention: Evaluating the Experiences of Internationally Educated Nurses in the Supervised Practice Experience Partnership
Kimberly Lawrence, Kathryn Boyd, Laura Rashleigh and Tracey DasGupta
Accompanied by an unparalleled nursing shortage, the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a nationwide health human resource recruitment drive focused on internationally educated nurses (IENs). The Supervised Practice Experience Partnership (SPEP) is a provincial strategy that provides IENs the opportunity to attain their supervised practice experience in Ontario. In order to sustain the nursing workforce, there is a need to go beyond recruitment strategies and implement evidence-informed approaches that retain IENs after meeting their registration requirements. Mixed-methods surveys and focus groups were used to evaluate the experiences of IENs, their preceptors and nurse leaders working with the SPEP. The findings highlight the value of mentorship and support from nurse leaders in developing communication skills, building connections with teams, fostering cultural integration and establishing support networks for IENs. This paper enhances nurse leaders' understanding of the experiences of IENs and establishes a foundation for innovative ideas that facilitates their integration and retention.
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