Healthcare Policy

Healthcare Policy 19(1) August 2023 : 71-80.doi:10.12927/hcpol.2023.27155
Data Matters

Enterprise Healthcare Physician Services in Canada: An Environmental Scan

Sheryl Spithoff and Lana Mogic


Employers in Canada are increasingly offering physician services to their employees through third-party “enterprise” virtual care platforms. In our environmental scan, we identified nine enterprise healthcare companies offering physician services to millions of Canadian employees via enterprise platforms. All platforms offered rapid access to virtual physician services. Some offered in-person visits, access to specialists, health system navigation and sharing of information with an employee's regular care provider. Almost half shared aggregate or de-identified health data with employers. These platforms provide rapid and convenient access to physician services but also disrupt the continuity of care, pose risks to employee privacy and expand two-tiered healthcare.



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