Healthcare Policy, 19(1) August 2023: 49-53.doi:10.12927/hcpol.2023.27158
Discussion and Debate
Commentary: Minding the Gap in Access to Mental Health Services – Calling for Smart Funding, Not Just More Funding
David Goldbloom and David Gratzer
In response to the paper by Gatov and colleagues (2023), the authors of this commentary, both psychiatrists, consider ways of addressing long-standing gaps in access to mental health services in Canada. They note the innovation seen during the COVID-19 pandemic with the rise of virtual care because of viral threat and economic imperative. Drawing on examples, including the UK-based experiment with publicly funded psychotherapy, they discuss the need for more flexible provider models of care (read: non-physician), better data collection and the potential of artificial intelligence. They conclude by calling for smarter funding, not just more funding.
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