Healthcare Policy

Healthcare Policy 19(Special Issue) October 2023 : 105-107.doi:10.12927/hcpol.2023.27174
Comparative Primary Health Care Policy Analysis Research Program

The Team

Principal Investigators

Jeannie Haggerty, PhD, Nominated Principal Investigator and Assistant Scientific Director, Réseau-1 Quebec, McGill Research Chair in Family and Community Medicine, McGill University and St. Mary's Hospital Research Centre, Montréal, Qc

Catherine M. Scott, PT, PhD, Adjunct Professor, University of Calgary and University of British Columbia-Okanagan, Executive Coach and Knowledge Mobilisation Consultant, K2A Consulting, Calgary, Ab

Yves Couturier, Msw, PhD, Scientific Director and Réseau-1 Quebec Professor, École de travail social, Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qc

Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, PhD, Canada Research Chair in Policies and Health Inequalities, Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health Department of Sociology, McGill University, Montréal, Qc

Tara Stewart, PhD, Assistant Professor Department of Community Health Sciences University of Manitoba Researcher/EvaluatorGeorge & Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation Manitoba Spor Support Unit winnipeg, Mb

Robin Urquhart, PhD, Endowed Chair in Population Cancer Research, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University Halifax, Ns

William Montelpare, PhD, Margaret and Wallace McCain Chair in Human Development and Health Professor, Department ofApplied Human SciencesUniversity of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI

Shelley Doucet, MScN, PhD, Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care, Associate Professor, Department of Nursing and Health SciencesUniversity of New Brunswick Saint John, NB

Jason M. Sutherland, PhD, ProfessorCentre for Health Services and Policy ResearchUniversity of British Columbia Vancouver, BC

Nelly D. Oelke, PhD, Associate ProfessorSchool of NursingFaculty of Health and Social DevelopmentUniversity of British ColumbiaOkanagan, BC

Patient partners

Roger Stoddard, Patient and Family Member Representative for the NB Primary and Integrated Healthcare Innovations (PIHCI) Network, Nb

Jim Mann, AgeWell, Bc

Policy and Clinical Leads

Denis Roy, Md, Msc, Vice-President of Science and Clinical Governance, Institut national d'excellence en santé et services sociaux, Qc

Jeanette Edwards, Director, Primary Health Care, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Mb

Shannon Berg, PhD, Executive Director for Primary Health Care, Health Services Delivery Division, Alberta HealthAssociate, Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Evaluation, Ab

Kevin Chan, Md, Clinical Lead, Prime Network, NL

Anne Junker, Pediatrician and Clinical Lead of BC Primary Health Care Research Network, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, Bc

Coordinator and Postdoctoral Fellow

Émilie Dionne, PhD, Program Coordinator and Post-Doctoral Fellow, Researcher and Adjunct Professor, Vitam – Centre de recherche en santé durable, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Laval University, Qc

Name Affiliation
Rejean Hebert Co-applicant; Professor, School of Public Health, Université de Montréal, QC
Mylaine Breton Co-applicant; Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Université de Sherbrooke, QC
Julie Lane Co-applicant; Knowledge Transfer Manager at the Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre – Estrie, QC
Dominique Gagnon Co-applicant; Assistant Professor of Social Work, Université du Québec en Abitibi–Témiscamingue, QC
Nathalie Delli-Colli Co-applicant; Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Sherbrooke; Researcher, Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement du CIUSSS de l'Estrie – CHUS, QC
Susan Law Co-applicant; Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University; Principal Scientist, St. Mary's Research Centre, QC
Lara Maillet Co-applicant; Institutional Researcher, Institut universitaire de première ligne en santé et services sociaux CIUSSS de l'Estrie – CHUS, QC
Serge Dumont Collaborator; Scientific Director at the Institut universitaire de première ligne en santé et services sociaux – CIUSSS de la Capitale Nationale, Professor of Social Work at the Université de Laval, QC
Nancy Newall Co-applicant; Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Brandon University, MB
Gayle Halas Collaborator; Manitoba SPOR PIHCI Network Director; Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, University of Manitoba, MB
Kristin Anderson Knowledge User; Director, Primary Health Care, Public Health and Primary Health Care Division, Manitoba Health, Seniors, and Active Living, MB
Arle Jones Knowledge User; Community Team Manager, Primary Health Care, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, MB
Colleen Metge Knowledge User; Director, Evaluation Platform, George & Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation (MB SPOR SUPPORT Unit); Assistant Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, MB
Maeve O'Beirne Knowledge User; Tripartate Clinical Lead, Alberta PIHCI Network; Director, Patient Medical Home; Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Calgary, AB
Xinjie Cui Collaborator; Chief Analytics Officer, Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research; Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta, AB
Patricia Charlton Co-applicant; Post-doctoral fellow, Children with Complex Conditions, University of Prince Edward Island, PEI
Nicole Hyndman Co-applicant; Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Human Sciences, UPEI, PEI
Marilyn Barrett Knowledge User; Director, Primary Care and Chronic Disease, Health PEI
Kathy Jones Knowledge User; Director of Public Health and Children's Developmental Services, Health PEI
Rima Azar Co-applicant; Associate Professor, Dept of Psychology, Mount Allison University; CIHR/RPP New Investigator in Developmental Psychoneuroimmunology, NB
Alison Luke Collaborator; Post-doctoral Fellow, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, NB
Cheryl Tschupruk Principal Knowledge User; Provincial Palliative Care Coordinator, NS
Russell Dawe Co-investigator; Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, St. John's, NL
Kris Aubrey-Bassler Tripartite Science Lead, NL PRIIME Network
Leanne Currie Co-investigator; Associate Professor, UBC School of Nursing, Vancouver, BC
Victoria Schuckel Knowledge User; Tripartite Policy Lead, BG-PHCRN; Assistant Executive Director Research and Innovation Branch Partnerships and Innovation Division, British Columbia Ministry of Health, BC



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