Nursing Leadership

Nursing Leadership 36(2) July 2023 : 58-71.doi:10.12927/cjnl.2023.27203
Nursing Research

Interventions to Improve the Nursing Care of People with Dementia in Canadian Hospitals: An Environmental Scan

Elaine Moody, S. Hannah Jamieson, Kelly Bradbury, Melissa Rothfus, Ishani Khanna, Lori E. Weeks, Anne Belliveau, Trish Bilski and Gianisa Adisaputri


As the number of people with dementia admitted to hospitals is expected to grow, now is the time to identify methods to improve nursing care of this population. We conducted an environmental scan to identify and describe interventions in Canadian hospitals to improve the nursing care of people with dementia, how they are being evaluated and what issues influence the success of interventions. Methods included a search of published and unpublished literature and key stakeholder interviews. Interventions are described under three categories: (1) interventions to improve nurses' knowledge, attitudes and skills; (2) interventions to address responsive behaviours; and (3) interventions to help nurses individualize care. The evaluation of interventions rarely included an evaluation of effectiveness and more often included a qualitative evaluation of nurses' experiences with interventions. We summarize the factors affecting the implementation of interventions following the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (Damschroder et al. 2009) and suggest strategies for supporting the success of interventions to improve patient care and the experiences of nurses working with people with dementia.



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