HealthcarePapers, 22(2) July 2024: 38-44.doi:10.12927/hcpap.2024.27398
Addressing Aging-in-Place Policy Challenges in Canada: A Call to Action
Maurita T. Harris, Stephanie Kiggundu and Michelle Goonasekera
Aging in place (AIP) has emerged as a critical priority in policy to support older adults living in their homes and communities. However, achieving equitable support for older adults demands a multi-faceted approach that embraces their choices, capabilities and lived experiences while considering that place is a dynamic concept. This commentary explores the challenges older adults may encounter while AIP and identifies technological and policy areas to explore. Drawing insights from the UK, policy makers in Canada are urged to adopt inclusive definitions of AIP, prioritize technological solutions for recognized challenges and actively involve older adults in policy development.
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