Healthcare Policy
Vol. 5 No. 3 2010
Pharaoh and the Prospects for Productivity in HHR
Robert G. Evans, Morris L. Barer and David G. Schneider
The Continuing Saga of Emergency Room Overcrowding: Are We Aiming at the Right Target?
Danièle Roberge, Raynald Pineault, Danielle Larouche and Léo-Rock Poirier
Canada's Access to Medicines Regime: Promise or Failure of Humanitarian Effort?
Jillian Clare Kohler, Joel Lexchin, Victoria Kuek and James Orbinski
Making Health System Performance Measurement Useful to Policy Makers: Aligning Strategies, Measurement and Local Health System Accountability in Ontario
Jeremy Veillard, Tai Huynh, Sten Ardal, Sowmya Kadandale, Niek S. Klazinga and Adalsteinn D. Brown
Wait Time Management Strategies for Scheduled Care: What Makes Them Succeed?
Marie-Pascale Pomey, Pierre-Gerlier Forest, Claudia Sanmartin, Carolyn De Coster and Madeleine Drew
Development of a Support Tool for Complex Decision-Making in the Provision of Rural Maternity Care
Glen Hearns, Michael C. Klein, William Trousdale, Catherine Ulrich, David Butcher, Christiana Miewal...
Cost Shifting and Timeliness of Drug Formulary Decisions in Atlantic Canada
Andrea C. Scobie and Neil J. Mackinnon
Factors Associated with End-of-Life Health Service Use in Patients Dying of Cancer
Lisa Barbera, Jonathan Sussman, Raymond Viola, Amna Husain, Doris Howell, S. Lawrence Librach, Hugh ...
Child and Youth Mental Health Service Referrals: Physicians' Knowledge of Mental Health Services and Perceptions of a Centralized Intake Model
Paula Cloutier, Mario Cappelli, J. Elizabeth Glennie, Gilles Charron and Smita Thatte
Public Perspectives on Health Human Resources in Primary Healthcare: Context, Choices and Change
Sandra Regan, Sabrina T. Wong and Diane E. Watson
Increasing Access to Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for the Treatment of Mental Illness in Canada: A Research Framework and Call for Action
Krista A. Payne and Gail Myhr