Healthcare Policy
Vol. 15 Special Issue | Training for Impact: Modernizing Health Services and Policy Research Training
Training for Impact: PhD Modernization as a Key Resource for Learning Health Systems
Meghan McMahon, Stephen Bornstein, Adalsteinn Brown and Robyn Tamblyn
The Career Outcomes of Health Services and Policy Research Doctoral Graduates
Meghan McMahon, Bettina Habib and Robyn Tamblyn
Training for Health System Improvement: Emerging Lessons from Canadian and US Approaches to Embedded Fellowships
Meghan McMahon, Stephen Bornstein, Adalsteinn Brown, Lisa A. Simpson, Lucy Savitz and Robyn Tamblyn
Making Contributions and Defining Success: An eDelphi Study of the Inaugural Cohort of CIHR Health System Impact Fellows, Host Supervisors, and Academic Supervisors
Marc-André Blanchette, Margaret Saari, Katie Aubrecht, Chantelle Bailey, Ivy Cheng, Mark Embret...
Developing Competencies for Health System Impact: Early Lessons learned from the Health System Impact Fellows
Meghan McMahon, Adalsteinn Brown, Stephen Bornstei and Robyn Tamblyn
Exploring Mentorship as a Strategy to Build Capacity and Optimize the Embedded Scientist Workforce
Stephen Bornstein, Meghan McMahon, Verna Yiu, Vinita Haroun, Heather Manson, Paul Holyoke, Tracy Was...