Healthcare Quarterly
Vol. 14 No. 4 2011
Influenza Immunization Data: Can We Make Order Out of Chaos?
Jennifer A. Pereira, Christine L. Heidebrecht, Susan Quach, Sherman D. Quan, Michael Finkelstein, Ju...
Primary Care Networks: Alberta's Primary Care Experiment Is a Success – Now What?
David A. Ludwick
Canadian Chief Executive Officers' Prescription for Higher Quality: More Clinical Engagement, Shared Accountability and Capacity Development
Mark J. Dobrow, Jasmine Neeson and Terrence Sullivan
Outcomes in Multiple Gestation Pregnancies among Canadian Women Age 35 Years and Older
Razia Sultana, Xi-Kuan Chen, Carrie Lee and Joanne Hader
The Feasibility of COPD Surveillance in Ontario: A Population Study
J. Charles Victor, Teresa To, Andrew Wilton, Jun Guan, Minnie H. Ho and Andrea S. Gershon
Priority Setting in Ontario's LHINs: Ethics and Economics in Action
Jennifer Gibson, Craig Mitton and Gwen DuBois-Wing
Optimizing Healthcare Access: through the Alignment of Economic and Ethical Imperatives
Roderick A. Slavcev
The Group Priority Sort: A Participatory Decision-Making Tool for Healthcare Leaders
Adina Jacobson, Melissa McGuire, Rochelle Zorzi, Mandy Lowe, Ivy Oandasan and Kathryn Parker
Uniting Board to Bedside: The Use of Driver Diagrams in Quality Monitoring and Improvement at Trillium Health Centre
Patti Cochrane, Amir Ginzburg, Gary Spencer and Farah Marani
Checklist to Meet Ethical and Legal Obligations to Critically Ill Patients at the End of Life
Robert W. Sibbald, Paula Chidwick, Mark Handelman and Andrew B. Cooper
Hospital Medicine Maturity Framework: Proposing a Novel Framework for Defining Stages of Hospital Medicine in Canada
Vandad Yousefi and Mark Evans