Healthcare Quarterly
Vol 17 No. 2 2014
Publicly Financed Healthcare and Income Inequality in Canada
Lisa Corscadden, Sara Allin, Michael Wolfson and Michel Grignon
Making Aftercare More Than an Afterthought: Patient Follow-up after Emergency Department Discharge in Ontario
Michael J. Schull
Lean Management: Innovative Tools for Engaging Teams in Continuous Quality Improvement
Lucille Perreault, Lise Vaillancourt, Catherine Filion and Camélia Hadj
"The Largest Lean Transformation in the World": The Implementation and Evaluation of Lean in Saskatchewan Healthcare
Leigh Kinsman, Thomas Rotter, Katherine Stevenson, Brenna Bath, Donna Goodridge, Liz Harrison, Roy D...
Using the Accreditation Journey to Achieve Global Impact: UHN’s Experience at the Kuwait Cancer Control Centre
Nafeesa Ladha-Waljee, Stephen McAteer, Veronica Nickerson and Adil Khalfan
Organizational Factors Influencing Inter-professional Team Functioning in Primary Care Networks
Shelanne Hepp, Renee Misfeldt, Jana Lait, Gail D. Armitage and Esther Suter
Identifying Prioritization Criteria to Supplement Critical Care Triage Protocols for the Allocation of Ventilators during a Pandemic Influenza
Shawn Winsor, Cécile M. Bensimon, Robert Sibbald, Kyle Anstey, Paula Chidwick, Kevin Coughlin, Pete...
Organizational Flexibility as a Strategic Option: Fostering Dynamic Capabilities of Hospitals
Casimiro Dias and Ana Escoval
Diagnostic Imaging Ordering Practices: Physician Perspectives and Implications for Decision Support
Janessa K. Griffith, Elizabeth M. Borycki and Andre W. Kushniruk