Healthcare Quarterly
Vol. 23 No. 3, 2020
Mental Health and Addictions System Performance in Ontario: An Updated Scorecard, 2009–2017
Maria Chiu, Astrid Guttmann and Paul Kurdyak
Hospital Stays for Harm Caused by Substance Use among Youth in Canada
Erin Pichora, Alexey Dudevich, Geoffrey Hynes and Christina Catley
Mobilizing a Whole Community: Policy and Strategy Implications of an Integrated Local System Response to a Global Health Crisis
Anne Wojtak, Jason Altenberg, Carol Annett, Anne Babcock, Keith Chung, Sarah Downey, Mark Fam, Ian F...
Finding a New Normal: Hospital Governance Best Practices during COVID-19
Nyranne Martin
A Rapid Primary Healthcare Response to COVID-19: An Equity-Based and Systems - Thinking Approach to Care Ensuring that No One Is Left Behind
Sara Bhatti, Elana Commisso and Jennifer Rayner
Cost Impact of a Pharmacist-Driven Medication Reconciliation Program during Transitions to Long-Term Care and Retirement Homes
Denis O’Donnell, Carla Beaton, June Liang, Kisalaya Basu, Michael Hum, Amanda Propp, Liz Yanni, Y...
Measuring Boards Using Quantitative Tools from Natural Language Processing
Lewis Hooper
Physician Initial Assessment Times Based on CTAS Scores: Are We Meeting the Recommendations?
Mazen El-Baba, Ryan Ramos, Leila Salehi, Qamar Amin, Shira Brown, Suneel Upadhye and Rahim Valani
Electronic Health Record-Related Burnout among Clinicians: Practical Recommendations for Canadian Healthcare Organizations
Brian Lo, Jessica Kemp, Clare Cullen, Tania Tajirian, Damian Jankowicz and Gillian Strudwick