Healthcare Quarterly
Vol 26, No. 4, 2024
Our Data, Our Question: Public-Centric Approaches to Administrative Data Analysis
Elise Leong-Sita, Sabella Yussuf-Homenautha, Jerome Johnsonb, Simis...
How Would We Know Whether Joint Replacements Are Successful if We Do Not Ask Patients?
Shannon Weir-Seeley, Carolyn Sandoval and Michael Terner
Health Quality 5.0: The Global Health Workforce Crisis – First Things First
Leslee J. Thompson
The Price of Love: Understanding the Financial and Psychosocial Costs of Caring for Children with Medical Complexities
Chantal Krantz, Michele Hynes, Amélie DesLauriers, Lillian L. Kitcher, Teresa MacMillan, Diane Para...
Utilizing Experience Bundles: A Novel Approach to Improving Quality of Care in Long-Term Care
Lara Gurney, Florence Yip, Maura MacPhee and Serena Bertoli-Haley
If Not NOW, When? A People-Focused Change Model to Improve Patient Flow
Laurie Zimmer, Samer Abou-Sweid, Linda Morrison, Kim Kraeft and Julie Acker
The Community Paramedicine at Clinic Program: Improving Participant Health while Preserving Healthcare System Resources
Leena AlShenaiber, Guneet Mahal, Ricardo Angeles, Francine Marzanek-Lefebvre, Melissa Pirrie, Amelia...
Using Reddit Data to Refine Vaccine Messaging for a Plan-Do-Study-Act Communications Approach
Neil Seeman, Alex Luscombe and Jamie Duncan