Healthcare Quarterly
Vol. 3 No. 4 2000
Best Practices in the Care of Elderly Persons in Hospital
Mary Ferguson-Paré, Eileen Bourret, Laurie Bernick, Diane Buchanan, Lucy Cabico, Beverly King and T...
Optimizing the Relationship between the Academic Health Centre & the Community Hospital
Kevin Smith, Russell Joffe, Allan Greve and John Woods
Use of Mid-Level Indicators in Determining Organizational Performance
Louise Lemieux-Charles, Nancy Gault, François Champagne, Jan Barnsley, Isabelle Trabut, Claude Sico...
The Future of the Internet in Healthcare: A Five-year Forecast
Robert Mittman and Mary Cain
Clinical Issues: Does Socioeconomic Status Influence Patient Outcomes ?
David Alter and Karey Iron