Healthcare Quarterly
Vol. 9 No. 2 2006
Experiences of Regionalization: Assessing Multiple Stakeholder Perspectives across Time
Ann Casebeer, Trish Reay, Karen Golden-Biddle, Amy Pablo, Elden Wiebe and Bob Hinings
A Statistical Survey of Canadian Forensic Mental Health Inpatient Programs
James D. Livingston
The Effect of a Primary Care Intervention on Management of Patients with Diabetes and Hypertension: A Pre-Post Intervention Chart Audit
Linda Graham, Ingrid Sketris, Frederick Burge and Lynn Edwards
Collaborative Partnerships: Managing Increased Healthcare Demand without Increasing Overall System Capacity
Paul Masotti, Eleanor Rivoire, Wendy Rowe, Marnie Dahl and Eleanor Plain
Reinventing Veterans Health Administration: Focus on Primary Care
Brent Armstrong, Odette Levesque, Jonathan B. Perlin, Cathy Rick, Gordon Schectman and Paula M. Zalu...
Opinion: Helping Canadians Understand the Opportunities for Health Research
Patrick Rafferty
CIHR Research: Translating a Broad Term into Real-World Applications: CIHR's Successful Approach to Knowledge Translation
Mark Bisby and Liz Stirling
CIHI Survey: Alternatives to Acute Care?
Aleksandra Jokovic, Akerke Baibergenova, Kalyani Baldota and Kira Leeb