public health
ICES Report
The Burden of Unhealthy Living in Ontario: The Impact of Smoking, Alcohol, Diet, Physical Inactivity and Stress on Life Expectancy
Douglas G. Manuel for the Healthy Living in Ontario Report Committee
Value for Money
Comparative Models of Cervical Cancer Screening in Manitoba
Linda DeRiviere, Shelley Stopera, Paul Van Caeseele and Robert Lotocki
Original research
The Role of Developing Countries in Generating Cochrane Meta-analyses in the Field of Pediatrics (Neonatology and Neuropediatrics): A Systematic Analysis
Sascha Meyer, Christiane Willhelm, Wolfgang Girisch, Sven Gottschling, Stefan Gräber and Ludwig Gor...
Nursing Research
Developing and Sustaining Leadership in Public Health Nursing: Findings from One British Columbia Health Authority
Leslie Mills, Sabrina T. Wong, Radhika Bhagat, Donna Quail, Kathy Triolet and Tannis Weber
Redeeming Behaviours: A Push, Not a Shove
Joan Wharf Higgins, Susanne Cookson, Cynthia Hastings-James and Amanda Frazer