ental ealth
First Peoples Wellness Circle and the Indigenous Mental Wellness and Trauma-Informed Specialist Workforce During COVID-19
Naomi Trott, Becky Carpenter, Despina Papadopoulos and Brenda Restoule
Data Matters
Quality of Work Life and Mental Well-Being for Long-Term Care Staff in Nova Scotia
Janice M. Keefe, Amber Duynisveld, Susan Stevens and Carole Estabrooks
Research Paper
Reasons for High Emergency Department Use Among Patients With Common Mental Disorders or Substance-Related Disorders
Karine-Michèle Dion, Francine Ferland, Lambert Farand, Lise Gauvin and Marie-Josée Fleury
ICES Report
Sex-Based Differences in Mental Health Service Use Between Canadian Veterans and Non-Veterans Residing in Ontario
Kate St. Cyr and Alyson L. Mahar
ICES Report
Our Data, Our Question: Public-Centric Approaches to Administrative Data Analysis
Elise Leong-Sita, Sabella Yussuf-Homenautha, Jerome Johnsonb, Simis...
Support For Equity-Deserving Populations
Oshkibiimaates Wiidoogakewin: A Partnership between Matawa First Nations Management and St. Joseph’s Care Group
Ashley Palmer and Brad Battiston
Nursing Research
Interventions to Improve the Nursing Care of People with Dementia in Canadian Hospitals: An Environmental Scan
Elaine Moody, S. Hannah Jamieson, Kelly Bradbury, Melissa Rothfus, Ishani Khanna, Lori E. Weeks, Ann...