health human resources
CIHI Survey
Hospital Staffing and Hospital Harm Trends Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sierra Campbell, Amanda Tardif, Tareq Ahmed, Salwa Akiki, Satya Challa, Kate Parson and Chantal Cour...
Leadership Perspective
Talking About Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership: What Canadian Nurse Leaders Have to Say
Mary McAllister, Marilyn Ballantyne and Pam Hubley
The Future of Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership
A Commentary on Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare (SBNH) and SBNH Leadership
Laurie N. Gottlieb and Michael J. Villeneuve
Nursing Research
Creating a Dual Degree: Nursing Education Goes Global
Lorna Butler, Karen Ursel, Judith Angelitta Noronha, Jessica Webster, Linu Sara George and Stephen V...
Nursing Research
A Compendium of Clinical Nurse Specialist Roles in a Canadian Health Authority
Tannis Andersen, Shannon Paul-Jost, Allyson Thomas, Sherry Miyashita, Vicki Kennedy and Amanda Lavig...
Can Answers to the Health Workforce Crisis Be Found in Equity-Informed Digital Health?
Helen Novak Lauscher, Chad Kim Sing, Chantz Strong, Anita Palepu, Jason Jaswal, Dietrich Fürstenbur...
The “Uberfication” of Emergency Medicine in Canada: Innovations to Improve Emergency Department Wait Times
Kyle Vojdani, Sara Shearkhani, Angela Marrocco, Jennifer Sampson, Shabina Rangarej, Marlon Imasogie ...
Emerging Perspectives on Quality Improvement
Health Quality 5.0: The Global Health Workforce Crisis – First Things First
Leslee J. Thompson