effective teamwork
Co-designing Care With Patients
Bridge-to-Home: A Case Study of the Mutually Reinforcing Benefits of Patient Engagement–Focused Quality Improvement Initiatives for Transitions out of Hospital
Shoshana Hahn-Goldberg, Audrey L’Espérance, Brady Comeau, Alexandra Harrison and Carol Fancott
Co-designing Care With Patients
Commentary: Engagement for Research and Quality Improvement – More Than Just Words
Kerry Kuluski, Katie Dainty and Kelly M. Smith
Case Studies in Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership
Empowering Nursing Students to Adopt and Embody Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare
Judith Lapierre, Elizabeth Bernardino, Paula Encarnação, Mohamed Amine Bouchlaghem and Camilla Ror...
Nursing Research
Creating a Dual Degree: Nursing Education Goes Global
Lorna Butler, Karen Ursel, Judith Angelitta Noronha, Jessica Webster, Linu Sara George and Stephen V...
Relational Work Is the Work: Virtual Healthcare Transformation for Rural, Remote and First Nations Communities in British Columbia
John Mah, John Pawlovich, Terri Aldred, Scott Graham, Ray Markham, Kim Williams, Bob Woollard, John ...
ICES Report
Our Data, Our Question: Public-Centric Approaches to Administrative Data Analysis
Elise Leong-Sita, Sabella Yussuf-Homenautha, Jerome Johnsonb, Simis...
CIHI Survey
The Commonwealth Fund Survey of Primary Care Physicians Reveals Challenges Experienced by Family Doctors and Emphasizes the Need for Interoperability of Health Information Technologies
Winnie Chan, Masud Hussain, Lyricy Francis, Farzana Haq, Laura Douglas and Liudmila Husak
Leadership Perspective
Sharing Nurses’ Voices in Challenging Times
Gail J. Donner and Mary M. Wheeler