healthy workplaces
Sharing Knowledge
Resident Work Hour Restrictions and Change Management: A Cautionary Tale
Z. Amy Fang and Darren Hudson
Research Paper
Quality of Physiotherapy Services for Injured Workers Compensated by Workers' Compensation in Quebec: A Focus Group Study of Physiotherapy Professionals
Anne Hudon, Maude Laliberté, Matthew Hunt and Debbie Ehrmann Feldman
As costs steadily rise, we need to build a healthcare system outside hospitals.
Saving Medicare
Michael Dector
Primary Care
Organizational Factors Influencing Inter-professional Team Functioning in Primary Care Networks
Shelanne Hepp, Renee Misfeldt, Jana Lait, Gail D. Armitage and Esther Suter
Healthcare Ethics
Identifying Prioritization Criteria to Supplement Critical Care Triage Protocols for the Allocation of Ventilators during a Pandemic Influenza
Shawn Winsor, Cécile M. Bensimon, Robert Sibbald, Kyle Anstey, Paula Chidwick, Kevin Coughlin, Pete...
Special Report
Protection of Health Workers, Patients and Facilities in Times of Violence - A Report from the Conference Convened by the Center for Public Health and Human Rights, Bellagio, Italy
Center for Public Health and Human Rights
Patient Safety and Quality
Safety for All: Bringing Together Patient and Employee Safety
R. Lynn Stevenson, Lesley Moss, Tracey Newlands and Jana Archer
Patient Safety and Quality
Engaging Patients and Family Members in Better Hand Hygiene Practices: A Teaching Hospital’s Challenge
Sharon Rogers
Patient Safety and Quality
Medication Reconciliation: The Priority That Isn’t
Jane Coutts, Marg Colquhoun, Marie Owen and Bernita Drenth