Healthcare Quarterly, 3(2) December 1999: 20-24.doi:10.12927/hcq..16543

A Parent's Perspective: Providing Compassionate and Effective Care     

Valerie McDonald


Two of my three daughters have had cancer. As a result I have spent hundreds of days with them in hospitals. I have had ample opportunity to think about how hospitals could improve care for patients. For me, one of the worst things about being in a hospital was having to give up control of my life at a time when I most needed to take action. When hospital care was at its worst, I was quite literally addressed as "mom" and treated as an uninformed person who was expected to follow orders without question. At best I was given information, treated with respect and compassion and regarded as an important partner in my children's care.


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    Anton Hart wrote:

    Posted 2013/11/09 at 09:14 AM EST

    This was Longwoods' first paper that reflects the role and perspective of the patient's family. It is now a valuable contribution and one of many contributions looking at the non-caregiver's perspective.


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