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Updated January 2020
Office Locations and Phone Numbers:
Calgary AB, 403-476-1511 | Mississauga ON, 905-804-6600 | Montreal QC, 514-848-1648 | Ottawa ON, 613-750-5000 | Toronto ON, 416-641-5220 | Vancouver BC, 604-646-5001
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Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI)
Office Location and Phone Number
Ottawa ON, 613-728-2238
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Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
Office Locations and Phone Numbers:
Ottawa ON, 613-241-7860 | Toronto ON, 416-481-2002 | Victoria BC, 250-220-4100 | Montreal QC, 514-842-2226 | St. John’s NL, 709-576-7006
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Canadian Nurses Association
Office Location and Phone Number:
Ottawa ON, 800-361-8404, 613-237-2133
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Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI)
Office Locations and Phone Numbers:
Edmonton AB, 866-421-6933, 780-409-8090 | Ottawa ON, 613-730-7322
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Canadian Association of Staff Physician Recruiters (CASPR)
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Office Location and Phone Number:
Markham ON, 905-530-2434
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Day Communications
Office Locations and Phone Numbers:
Vancouver BC, 604-980-2980 | Toronto ON, 416-480-6560 | Montreal QC, 514-845-7777
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Office Locations and Phone Numbers:
Montreal QC, 514-393-7155 | Toronto ON, 416-874-3874 | Vancouver BC, 604-669-4466 | Complete Office Directory
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Health Council of Canada
Office Location and Phone Numbers:
Toronto ON, 416-481-7397 or 866-998-1019
Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME), UofT
Office Location and Phone Number:
Toronto ON, 416-978-4326
Lough Barnes Consulting Group
Office Location and Phone Number:
Toronto ON, 416-977-3811, 855-635-9227
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Office Location and Phone Number:
Brampton ON, 905-460-3800
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National Research Corporation
Office Location and Phone Number:
Markham ON, 905-475-8231
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Office Locations and Phone Numbers:
Calgary AB, 403-410-6700 | Halifax NS, 902-491-7788 | Montreal QC, 514-937-1000 | Ottawa ON, 613-749-9909 | Toronto ON, 416-366-1990 | Vancouver BC, 604-685-0261
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA)
Office Location and Phone Number:
Toronto ON, 800-598-8002, 416-205-1300
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Office Location and Phone Number:
Toronto ON, 416-960-7768
Philips Healthcare
Office Location and Phone Number:
Markham ON, 800-567-1080
Office Locations and Phone Numbers:
Toronto ON, 416-863-1133 | Complete Office DirectoryTwitter
TELUS Health
Office location and Phone Numbers
Longueuil QC, 866-363-7447, 450-928-6000 | Complete Office Directory
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