Healthcare Quarterly, 2(4) June 1999: 16-22.doi:10.12927/hcq.1999.16545
Management Strategies for Nursing Recruitment and Retention
Angela C. Cybulski, Karen Bell and Jean M. Reeder
Baby boomers, generation Xer's and the Nexus generation may be creating unprecedented retention and recruitment complexities in the workplace environment. Each generation has what appears to be a somewhat different value system, which has been cultivated by the economic and social environment in which they have existed. Baby boomers learned to seek security and longevity; generation Xer's have adapted to uncertainty and insecurity; and the Nexus generation seeks flexibility and adaptability to achieve balance in life. If organizations today are able to recruit and retain the ideal workers from each of these generations, monumental shifts must occur, and one solution may not fit all.
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