HealthcarePapers, 3(5) April 2003: 72-77.doi:10.12927/hcpap..17105
Final Response
Merrijoy Kelner and Beverly Wellman
Whenever you write something for others' eyes, you wonder how it will be received. There are three possibilities: it could be ignored, it could be praised or it could be decimated. We knew our words about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) would not be ignored this time, but we did have trepidations about how our colleagues would respond. We are delighted and surprised that the responses have been so constructive. Everyone agrees that CAM is now a significant part of the healthcare landscape and requires serious consideration. This issue of HealthcarePapers is a testimony to the growing interest in CAM in healthcare circles in North America and beyond. It is gratifying to receive comments from Australia and the United Kingdom as well as Canada.
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